Green Goblin

GREEN GOBLIN : following this thread and heard it is a Calif. seedling . Was wondering who found it? What the mother tree looks like and roughly where it is ?? Was given a cutting w & t grafted it on a inground G x Y ABOUT A MONTH AGO . WILL GO LOOK AND SEE HOW IT'S DOING THUR AM ..
Thanks, I grabbed myself a pair to try. The pictures from both listings do look very similar to me. But looking up close it seems like the neck on CdDB is thicker and the fruit of Green Goblin seem shinier when young.

I wonder if CdDB is a parent to it?

When caprified they are both so red inside I wonder if here they will distinguish differences better.
Padsfan stated that he has been growing Green Goblin for many years now before releasing it last year. Maybe it would be worth contacting him about the differences between the two varieties mentioned above.
When I contacted him this past summer his comparisons were based off of White Madera #1, in that GG was earlier then WM1.
I got all 3 varieties from him that he is offering now. They are fantastic cuttings, and all have rooted and already up potted.
Padsfan stated that he has been growing Green Goblin for many years now before releasing it last year. Maybe it would be worth contacting him about the differences between the two varieties mentioned above.
When I contacted him this past summer his comparisons were based off of White Madera #1, in that GG was earlier then WM1.
I got all 3 varieties from him that he is offering now. They are fantastic cuttings, and all have rooted and already up potted.

The earliness of GG is definitely what made it so attractive to us.
Padsfan stated that he has been growing Green Goblin for many years now before releasing it last year. Maybe it would be worth contacting him about the differences between the two varieties mentioned above.
When I contacted him this past summer his comparisons were based off of White Madera #1, in that GG was earlier then WM1.
I got all 3 varieties from him that he is offering now. They are fantastic cuttings, and all have rooted and already up potted.
Did he mention by how much it was earlier?
GREEN GOBLIN : following this thread and heard it is a Calif. seedling . Was wondering who found it? What the mother tree looks like and roughly where it is ?? Was given a cutting w & t grafted it on a inground G x Y ABOUT A MONTH AGO . WILL GO LOOK AND SEE HOW IT'S DOING THUR AM ..
GG WAS A GIFT FROM DCallahan one node cutting bud starting to swell ! Look good .