Terms and rules

Forum Terms and Rules

Forum Participation

Please read all rules prior to posting. Participating members are subject to all forum policies.

Forum Policy Changes

Policies of this forum are subject to change. All modifications are made by the moderators at large and will be posted here as applicable.

Forum Language

While we welcome everyone, from everywhere…. The official language to be used with all postings on figfanatic.com is English. Of course, if you want to offer a Feliz Navidad or Joyeux anniversaire that’s fine, but we need to be able to moderate


There is a fine line between discussion and argument which is at times hard to define. In general, a discussion becomes an argument when the postings become personal. If this starts to become obvious, the moderators will take necessary action which may include removal or locking of posts… and possible suspension of member status. Any action is at the discretion of the moderators. If you feel they made a mistake, you can make your case and they will listen. Aggressive language will not be tolerated.


A troll is a person who posts inflammatory messages, to disrupt the discussion or to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is also used to describe such messages or the act of posting them. There is a zero-tolerance policy for trolling, period.

Personal attacks

These are usually caused by discussions turning into serious arguments as mentioned above. Please think carefully before posting anything that could be defined as this sort of attack. For example, "Username is an idiot” … Personal attacks are not welcome on this forum and will be dealt with firmly.

Disputes or grievances pertaining to off forum business

Figfanatic.com is an open discussion group, it is not the venue to air grievances regarding any transaction made with other members or organizations selling fig material. Simply put, if you have an issue with someone from whom you purchased cuttings, trees or anything else… this is not the place to hash out whether the sale was misrepresented or if you got what you paid for…It is not the venue to post that you paid for an item and never received it. That is between you and the seller and/or the platform on which the sale took place. Such posts will generally be removed on site as they are in contradiction with the spirit of this forum. Members at large are encouraged to report such posts.

Impoliteness toward forum staff

This is when someone impolitely argues against any of the forum staff. (Forum staff include figfanatic.com, administrators and moderators.) An example would be: "How dare you lock that thread!?!?" However, saying something like "Could you please unlock my thread, because I feel there was no need for it to be locked." would be perfectly fine.

Use of inappropriate language

The use of swear words, or disguised swear words, in a post is not allowed on the forum. Any attempt to avoid the swear filter will be dealt with.

Advertising on the forums

Forum users are not permitted to post advertisements or commercial solicitations directly on the forum. Only notifications that conform to the selling policy outlined here are permitted:

If you are unsure if something falls within the policy, please consult with a moderator prior to posting. The decision of the moderators at large will stand as policy.

Posting inappropriate material

Remember that these forums can be viewed by all ages and not just adults. Sexually explicit, obscene, racist, hateful remarks, expressing political views or links to explicit material will be removed and the poster advised of the infraction. Depending on the severity of the infraction, action may be taken against the poster at the discretion of the moderators.


All images posted in threads, signatures or avatars must adhere to the same standards as indicated in “Posting of Inappropriate Material”.

Users should not post another member’s images without acknowledging credit. As a courtesy where applicable, the member should seek permission where considered in good etiquette.

Members may request that their images, posted by other members without their permission be removed upon request to the moderators within 90 days of posting.

Posting of personal details

Without the express permission of all involved users, personal communications are not to be posted on the open forums. This includes the content of DM's (direct messages) or emails received from moderators or staff.

No user may post personal information of another member such as address, phone number, vocation (etc) without express permission of the user. Such posts will be removed immediately.

Choice of forum display name

The forum moderators reserve the right to ask any member to change their display name, should they feel that it is inappropriate, disrespectful or an attempt to impersonate another user.

Multiple Accounts

No user is permitted to hold more than one member account except for forum staff that at times need a second account to test forum functions.

Do not DM moderators or other users asking for help

Do not send direct messages asking for help with a fig problem or for growing advice. If you need help or advice, make a new thread in the appropriate forum section… then the whole community can help and benefit.

Banned or suspended members

If a poster is banned from posting or accessing the forums, that ban includes using another member’s account or log on details to access the forum or asking another member to post on their behalf. This action could have consequences for the other forum member. Conversely, no member shall post on behalf of a banned user.

Reporting posts

If you feel a post is in violation of the posted forum rules, users should not post or engage on this matter in the offending thread. Please report the post to moderators who will deal with it.


All spam will be removed immediately. The poster can be subject to an immediate one strike ban.

Deleting of posts or threads

It is the intention that this forum be a permanent repository of information and experience. After a short period of time, posts cannot be edited or deleted from the forum by the authoring member. Please consider what you write carefully before publishing.

Deletion of user accounts

In keeping with the same principal outlined above, user accounts will not be deleted. Such requests should not be made to moderators. If a member wishes to disengage from the forum, they are free to disable notifications, log out and walk away, however all posted content and the account (name) will remain in perpetuity.

Selling policy

No selling is permitted directly on the forum by commercial vendors. Members of this forum who are commercial vendors may include a link in their signature to their own website or other e-commerce platform such as FigBid

Non commercial members are permitted to announce a sale that must be conducted off the forum. The non commercial member may link to where their sale is taking place but under no circumstances may the sale be conducted on this forum. The list of items or prices etc. must be hosted elsewhere and not placed directly on the forum

*A non commerical seller may announce a cutting sale once per calendar year
*A non commercial seller may anounce a plant sale once per calendar year and is only permitted when they are for local pick up

Any discussion of a transaction must be done privately.

The trading forum is for trading, not selling. Any permissible sale should be posted on the main fig forum only.

If someone is offering cuttings for cost of shipping only this will not be considered a sale and should be offered in the trading forum.

Exemptions: Members may feel free to sell, auction or raffle cuttings directly on the forum if all net proceeds are to be donated to any registered charity or to figfanatic.com to support the ongoing cost of keeping figfanatic.com online. This can be done multiple times within reason at the discretion of the moderators.

Any sales are personal transactions between members and should be treated as such. Figfanatic.com is a communication/discussion platform and not party to any transaction. Figfanatic.com is not responsible for the sale and not an arbiter between disputing members, and disputes should not be engaged here on the forum.

I think this covers it all but again, please feel free to post questions here if you require further clarity.

General Rules

The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts. Content submitted express the views of their author only.

All content you submit, upload, or otherwise make available to the Service ("Content") may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload on the open forum can be seen by anyone visiting the site. Do not post any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, knowingly risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

We may remove or modify any Content submitted at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.

You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with this Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

Accounts will not be closed. You may opt to disable your notifications and discontinue use of this service. Any content previously posted will remain, unless removal is deemed appropriate by the administrators.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use the Service. Use of the Service constitutes acceptance of these terms.
