Welcome... everyone!

My fellow "fig folks",

As a beginning figaholic, I've been looking for rootstock cuttings (Brown Turkey or similar) recently, and LoPresti, on
the REDACTED forum, suggested I might take a look at a local tree at Home Depot (680 Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale).

I went there today and was able to snag a few figs and branches...

The figs were green, pretty hard, and, after cutting them open, appeared very "dry" on the inside. I didn't notice any "bugs"
(I was hoping for "the wasp" of course, but I don't even know in what shape these get through the winter, so maybe I was
not expected to see any). I also noticed that some of this year's growth had a pretty rough surface. Is this common?

Anyway... I'm attaching a few photo's so you experienced fig-folks might be able to come to a conclusion. Is this a caprifig?
How many people snagged a few branches from fig trees at Home Depot?
How many people snagged a few branches from fig trees at Home Depot?
I’ve only taken ONE small, already broken and hanging branch off a tree at Home Depot and I STILL catch flack from my wife about it… I say I rescued the poor branch that was doomed to dry out and die (it successfully grew into a plant with me) but SHE calls it my “stolen” fig tree 🙄
I would never "trim merchandise", but in this particular caprifig case... Yeah...
Mea culpa (I took 2 small branches "for research purposes", not for rootstock)! :eek:
I’ve only taken ONE small, already broken and hanging branch off a tree at Home Depot and I STILL catch flack from my wife about it… I say I rescued the poor branch that was doomed to dry out and die (it successfully grew into a plant with me) but SHE calls it my “stolen” fig tree 🙄
Just put a tag with "Arbre volé (HD)" on it! :ROFLMAO:
I would never "trim merchandise", but in this particular caprifig case... Yeah...
Mea culpa (I took 2 small branches "for research purposes", not for rootstock)! :eek:
I have to wonder... this is not someones backyard. If one takes a few branches and doesn't make a mess.... does anyone really care? Certainly someone has noticed a few taking interest. I imagine nobody has built a fence around it? I'm not suggesting for a moment that someone should ever take anything from property that's not theirs... I just wonder if this is any different than clipping a stick from some riverbed where a tree is growing wild.....

I have heard of mother trees getting ravaged when the location was revealed. I think that behaviour is sad.
I have to wonder... this is not someones backyard. If one takes a few branches and doesn't make a mess.... does anyone really care? Certainly someone has noticed a few taking interest. I imagine nobody has built a fence around it? I'm not suggesting for a moment that someone should ever take anything from property that's not theirs... I just wonder if this is any different than clipping a stick from some riverbed where a tree is growing wild.....

I have heard of mother trees getting ravaged when the location was revealed. I think that behaviour is sad.

I totally agree with you Joe... Especially in this case: a non-edible caprifig. And yes... The "Ponte Tresa story" (just to name one) IS indeed sad... As an absolute beginner, I've taken a few cuttings from people's trees recently, but always AFTER ASKING. I found that most people do not mind at all, and often see it as an opportunity to chat about figs for a bit.

With so many kind people selflessly giving away cuttings for postage (and even the "commercial ones" being very affordable for most), it seems there's never a real need to "take a little snip" from someone's tree without asking.


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