My fellow "fig folks",
As a beginning figaholic, I've been looking for rootstock cuttings (Brown Turkey or similar) recently, and LoPresti, on
the REDACTED forum, suggested I might take a look at a local tree at Home Depot (680 Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale).
I went there today and was able to snag a few figs and branches...
The figs were green, pretty hard, and, after cutting them open, appeared very "dry" on the inside. I didn't notice any "bugs"
(I was hoping for "the wasp" of course, but I don't even know in what shape these get through the winter, so maybe I was
not expected to see any). I also noticed that some of this year's growth had a pretty rough surface. Is this common?
Anyway... I'm attaching a few photo's so you experienced fig-folks might be able to come to a conclusion. Is this a caprifig?