Iranian candy

thank's for moving it to proper place,
No problem at all, we appreciate the info you're sharing, this is what helps out the community.
Do you mind sharing where you are so it will help people in your area or like climate?
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took mine three years to feed me.last year was first figs I ate from it,it is earlier here than RDB,it is #1 here now 2nd is RDB.3rd is sal's El,
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No problem at all, we appreciate the info your sharing, this is what helps out the community.
Do you mind sharing where you are so it will help people in your area or like climate?
I am in southwestern ,pa I am in Fayette county,pa. I am 7 miles north of uniontown ,pa. I am zone 6B~this fig moved to # 1 here last year,it took it about three years to really putting out ripe fruit,the fruit I like a lot,honey fig,very sweet ,tones of melon I think ,but I am like Harvey figaholics ,niot good at flavors,LOL,but it is good ,it is a smaller growing tree for me ,in tree form,I like it ,it doesn't get out of size control.i imagine why you don't see a whole lot of cuttings out there,I air layered it last season it did well airlayering,I didn't root mother tree it was gifted to me from Ed Boone moderator on plan on more airlayers this spring and maybe I will try to root one.i traded what cuttings I had on to a member there.i took three cuttings and that was all I could get from mother tree.i like this variety alot,I recommend getting it if you want early fruit and are in the cooler zones.
If you have any extra cuttings by chance to trade let me know :)
I don't see that anytime soon ,i'm sorry,it doesn't seem to grow anything like all my other varieties prob 30 others at stays in tree form and small ,it's maybe 4 foot tall and new growth just doesn't seem to be hardly any for me.i did airlayer one so I would have a spare and have airlayers promised now for this summer and don't really want to do that much because I will loose those limbs.but would deff share cuttings with you if I ever can get more from it ,no problem.
If you have any extra cuttings by chance to trade let me know :)
I don't see that anytime soon ,i'm sorry,it doesn't seem to grow anything like all my other varieties prob 30 others at stays in tree form and small ,it's maybe 4 foot tall and new growth just doesn't seem to be hardly any for me.i did airlayer one so I would have a spare and have airlayers promised now for this summer and don't really want to do that much because I will loose those limbs.but would deff share cuttings with you if I ever can get more from it ,no problem.


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I don't see that anytime soon ,i'm sorry,it doesn't seem to grow anything like all my other varieties prob 30 others at stays in tree form and small ,it's maybe 4 foot tall and new growth just doesn't seem to be hardly any for me.i did airlayer one so I would have a spare and have airlayers promised now for this summer and don't really want to do that much because I will loose those limbs.but would deff share cuttings with you if I ever can get more from it ,no problem.
it may grow 6-8 inches a season ,see how small it is. this was late jully .only short new growth only three limbs.
I just got my first real taste last year…. The tree has taken some time to hit stride. Based on the ones I have tasted I’m hoping for more production this season…. Because it was very good! But yeah…. Slow grower

Some trees just take a long time to get there. U. Prosciutto for instance took
Maybe 5 years for me but now it’s one of my top figs.
This variety has rooted easily for me and is a very vigorous grower when planted in a well drained soil with regular fertility. I just finished pruning mine back from 12’ tall in the high tunnel this weekend.
I moved this to our main topic forum, more appropriate here than the Intro thread.
Thank you for posting this though...a lot of people are still interested in this variety and I am rooting as we speak.

So any info on it is good info :)
The whole world is in love with Iranian candy. LOL and so am I. BTW do we have a picture of your High tunnel Greenhouse. I don't remember ever seeing one. I do love me pictures of greenhouses
The whole world is in love with Iranian candy. LOL and so am I. BTW do we have a picture of your High tunnel Greenhouse. I don't remember ever seeing one. I do love me pictures of greenhouses
Mine is not a high tunnel, If this weather and my schedule would ever warm up and slow down...I could get it finished.
I'm not working in the old for that crap. lol