I have a dilemma

I have a cutting sitting in a cup of water too with one growing, though not under water lol. Mine is like your one above. I’ve left it on as an experiment to see what it does with it. I’m really curious if it will ripen at all in water, but I also feel bad for the cutting because it probably really needs to be potted.
Very cool! Great minds think alike. Please let me know how it grows.
RULE # ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU LOSE ID OF A CUTTING ,DISTROY IMEDIATLY !!!!!! NO growing out that you might be able to ID later ,most of the time there will be a % of doubt and any doubt is un exceptable !!!MAY be painfull and or expensive dispose of and get over it ,use better marking/labeling and handeling procedures going forward ! double mark all cuttings ,double mark/label all grafts and map there positions on pots and trees .
Fig Gazer:

Lol. Jokes aside, I hear you. I also would not feel comfortable selling this unknown under a presumed name.
Awesome timing on this thread! Nearly two months ago I pruned this green branch off the rootstock of my failed indoor grafting attempt. Just for fun I put it in a glass of water. It's right over my kitchen sink so I remembered to change the water every day.... I have not fed it and the window is north-facing

The leaves all look good with no wilting or browning. But as for roots... zilch, nothing, nada! @Steven J., I would prefer your dilemma :)

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Wow! I am surprised there are no roots. I didn't even change the water for mine. I wonder why some cuttings grow so much better than others, even from the same tree/branch.
Possibly.... I assumed it would be best to keep the water line above the upper node.... maybe not given Steven's success....

I assumed a green cutting would root more quickly. Maybe I need to knock off the leaves?
I have heard that lower water levels decrease the pressure on the cutting and allow for easier rooting. That is just something I heard though.
Thank you all for your comments and input. I think I have decided what to do. I will give it to my daughter and let her "care" for it. Being she is only 19 months old, we will assist her greatly, of course.