Anyone starting cuttings now?

Pitcher plant? Hmm... Maybe that and Sundew would be good to grow inside during cutting season?
We had a Sundew but it didn’t make it. I had to take over care of both plants from my oldest, because she can get distracted. It was a little too late for the Sundew. I do not have to worry about flies and bugs, and this is more of a coincidence than planned out.
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We had a Sundew but it didn’t make it. I had to take of care of both plants from my oldest, because she can get distracted. It was a little too late for the Sundew. I do not have to worry about flies and bugs, and this is more of a coincidence than planned out.
Sorry you lost the sundew. They are really neat plants.
Pitcher plant? Hmm... Maybe that and Sundew would be good to grow inside during cutting season?
Yes especially sundews as they’re fungus gnat magnets! I have 13 left of our older Drosera filiformis var. Tracyi below which get up to a foot tall.

At what point does a piano-room with fig plants become a fig-room with a piano? :)

I can't spot the pitcher plant in there...
Wow I knew there was something about you that I liked. We're both big @Trustyfarms fans... Joe who would have thought. By the way my dirty little propagation Secret is I binge watch Netflix with the cuttings. Amazingly we both like the same shows.
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Here is a picture of my cutting set up this year. I took over the window area in the "piano room," which sounds fancy, and I force my youngest to play for my cuttings. I think it helps the cuttings root and grow, and it is a new method I am trialing (to be honest, it is not a cheap method between the piano lessons and feeding a kid). Roughly about 45 fig cuttings & 5 mulberry cuttings. I told myself I was only going to do a couple this year, and I failed. So far, so good, and I'm only concerned about one cutting that is probably not going to make it, but it is a thicker cutting that started to grow and then the new growth died (I'm going to check it out tomorrow and see if I can save it). The pitcher plant is from @Trustyfarms from the 2024 Fig Frolic.

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Hi @Drew351 - All I can see is a fungus gnat buffet, complete with beacon lights. I hope you inoculated with BT - if not, I would use a spray bottle with gnatrol or MBits and lightly spray the soil surfaces (and leaves - another +).
We are using coco coir + DE. Inoculating with BT + Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Scoring + Dip'n Grow.

Not shown are the rooted ones we've moved into the greenhouse ~50, but they are dusted with powdered DE as an added bug barrier.
I bet he did! Great name too. I have an orange cat named Marmalade and his sister’s name Mischief. They are our dumpster cats, and we found them as kittens under a dumpster. Still fostering them 7 years later.
Stop kidding yourself!...That's already a common-law adoption in all 52 states.
LOL sounds adorable, but @PapaFig is right those kittens aren't going anywhere except the window cushion to sun themselves, or perhaps a trip to the kitchen to see what's good to eat.
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Stop kidding yourself!...That's already a common-law adoption in all 52 states.
No joke, which was on me, because my wife is the one that said we were just going to foster them. We are foster fails, and we did volunteer at the local humaine society before we had kids. We had to stop volunteering because we could not save them all, and it was because of this I ended up with 4 dogs.
Hi @Drew351 - All I can see is a fungus gnat buffet, complete with beacon lights. I hope you inoculated with BT - if not, I would use a spray bottle with gnatrol or MBits and lightly spray the soil surfaces (and leaves - another +).
Fortunately, I do not have an issue with gnats. I started using Pro-Mix HP a few years ago, and I do not have a gnat issue at all. Having a pitcher plant this year was not by design to help with any issues. All cuttings are very happy, and I may start moving them outside in a month or so if the warming trend continues in GA. Now, my first couple of years I used miracle grow garden soil, which I leaned was a big mistake. Tons of issues with gnats with MG soil.