Anyone starting cuttings now?

OK... I'm in... lets have some fun...

This only happens if @PapaFig agrees. If he does I will offer the prize of any Fig Fanatic mug form the merch page to the first person to guess the correct number of cuttings being rooted in his pictures. @PapaFig would confirm the winner and I will have the mug sent to that person when they DM me their address. Posting only begins when he posts the word, "GO"

The game continues until someone guesses correctly

Mods and admin not eligible to play. Sorry!
Let's make it a bit more fun (if Toronto Joe agrees)... how about this.

We are going to set some more this weekend. Let's see who can come closest to the number we have set on these mats by Monday morning (as confirmed by our count and photos we will post at that time).

1) We have more cuttings than we can strike by then.
2) It's me (50 y.o.) and my son (12 y.o.) only working on them
3) As of now, there are only a few struck that are not shown/seen in these two photos (the two photos are of mostly the same cups just a different angle - and the current counts/guestimates are pretty close.

So it's however many there are on the mats now, PLUS what we can add (strike) by Monday morning!

And we will throw in 7 cuttings (your choice) from our collection next Fall/Winter when we take cuttings.

Deadline for guesses - 8AM PST Monday, March 10th, 2025.


@TorontoJoe Maybe a new thread for this Contest?
Let's make it a bit more fun (if Toronto Joe agrees)... how about this.

We are going to set some more this weekend. Let's see who can come closest to the number we have set on these mats by Monday morning (as confirmed by our count and photos we will post at that time).

1) We have more cuttings than we can strike by then.
2) It's me (50 y.o.) and my son (12 y.o.) only working on them
3) As of now, there are only a few struck that are not shown/seen in these two photos (the two photos are of mostly the same cups just a different angle - and the current counts/guestimates are pretty close.

So it's however many there are on the mats now, PLUS what we can add (strike) by Monday morning!

And we will throw in 7 cuttings (your choice) from our collection next Fall/Winter when we take cuttings.


You might want to make this a new thread? And set a deadline for the guesses, like - 8AM PST Monday, March 10th, 2025.