Wish me luck for the sake of @ktrain


Well-known member
The last 4 years @ktrain been sending me WM#1 cuttings and I killed them all every year ! Grafting some and trying to root the rest. This verity is kicking my behind and refuse to settle in Phoenix AZ 😀 , so today I grafted 5 spots in 3 different trees and I am heading to my brother house to graft some on his trees as a back up. All I want is 1 graft to make it, am I asking asking for too much 😀

So I am invoking Kevin luck on these grafts to break the “vise” and for his sanity to not see my message next December begging for cuttings 😀, cheers Kevin!!!!


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The last 4 years @ktrain been sending me WM#1 cuttings and I killed them all every year ! Grafting some and trying to root the rest. This verity is kicking my behind and refuse to settle in Phoenix AZ 😀 , so today I grafted 5 spots in 3 different trees and I am heading to my brother house to graft some on his trees as a back up. All I want is 1 graft to make it, am I asking asking for too much 😀

So I am invoking Kevin luck on these grafts to break the “vise” and for his sanity to not see my message next December begging for cuttings 😀, cheers Kevin!!!!
I wish you luck
Wow so many years of trying. I guess it's like me and i-258. That's my stubborn thorn in the Paw. I wish you the best of luck with WM#1 and everything else you might endeavor horticulturally
Wow so many years of trying. I guess it's like me and i-258. That's my stubborn thorn in the Paw. I wish you the best of luck with WM#1 and everything else you might endeavor horticulturally
Interesting that you mentioned I-258 , last year I grafted just 1 lonely cutting and it took. Strange how things work or don’t. Best of luck with your I-258 and don’t lose hope, keep trying and will feel so rewarding when you finally succeed
@Drew351 LOL it seems everyone of us has a stubborn verity. I hope your both cuttings survive and grow and get an abundance of figs, also maybe my luck changes this year as well since you appear to finally break the curse 😀
@Figneer I only suggest this because I've had a few of my own.... how do I put it?" Cuttings that I killed so many of that I could have bought a small orchard with all the money I wasted trying".

Maybe one of us could set you a layer?

@Figless - I-258 was the biggest PITA for me to grow at first. I killed so many cuttings... Eventually I got a tree... now magically, it seems I can root pretty much any cutting I take from that tree... So weird!
@TorontoJoe seems practice make perfect worked for you ! I think with the amount of grafts I did this year I should have success. I am not using any technique for rooting cuttings other than direct plating in potting soil which is probably why I had no success in that. Appreciate the insight!
@TorontoJoe seems practice make perfect worked for you ! I think with the amount of grafts I did this year I should have success. I am not using any technique for rooting cuttings other than direct plating in potting soil which is probably why I had no success in that. Appreciate the insight!

If it doesn't work out... let me know
Good luck on those!

Mine have been Cosme Manyo and Boysenberry Blush.

Originally bought 2 pairs of cuttings of Cosme Manyo and they rotted and proceded to buy a Not Cosme and bought a pair of cuttings of BB and then 2 small plants and they all died as well.