@Figgin' A / aka Oak Fig. Clearly has a superior phenotype of VDB. Apparently it was purchased from Garrett 4534 on figbid, and I have long coveted a cutting from this wonderful fig tree since I first heard about it. His VDB seems to be outperforming anyone else's, it's my personal belief for whatever it's worth that we spend a little too much time focusing on varieties, when we should instead focus on Superior phenotypes. I spent a good part of an afternoon communicating with
@Figgin' A about his VDB, and begged him for a cutting or two from it. I believe he's got the best VDB phenotype on both platforms. Our FF platform, and the old house (OF). Valerie if I could Prevail upon you do not worry so much about the variety of VDB, and just get a couple cuttings from this tree I think you would be amazed. I come from a hemp clone Factory background. We got to see a (((lot))) of cuttings. Has the years went by I began to believe more and more in the theory of superior phenotypes. Once a good one seems to be established it tends to retain its Superior characteristics. Many times I have received four, or five cuttings from the same Source, same grower, same variety. Amazingly one will just be better than all the rest. Also for whatever reason it's Superior characteristics would tend to be retained. Sometimes for many years. In my earlier years we would get a coveted and long sought after cutting of a specific variety. We would take 50 cuttings from the variety. roughly from the same area of the plant. Each cutting would get a number to identify it. Right from the start you would see a few of the 50 cuttings just have Superior characteristics. Or be a superior phenotype of the variety. This would come up more often for fig Growers except they're just not cultivating as many cuttings of a single variety for Superior phenotypes to crop up. That's why this subject tends to be more of a myth than a reality. It's my personal belief that within our community there exist Superior phenotypes of figs irregardless of the variety they were propagated from.