Do you vermicompost?
I think all plants like worm castings, but peppers seem to love'm more than anything I've ever grown. I grew in pots in inland San Diego for years, but we never really got super hot. Shade cloth is a great idea. I picked up Serrano Tampiqueno at years ago randomly. Grew it (in a pot.) and when they were all ripening, I was like Dang, aren't Serranos picked green? Ehh, whatever I'll harvest the seeds later and then a couples days later some were dark red and very plump, so I grabbed one and bit into it, wow! Sweetest pepper, great flavor, then just the right amount of heat that I can handle, then they added a smokey flavor to sandwiches. It's my favorite pepper. - SERRANO TAMPIQUENO - Live Chile/Pepper Plant
I think a squatty 10 G pot, tended well, with a good percentage of home made vermicompost, would give you an overabundance of peppers for you. You gotta buy a 6 pack from chile plants to get live plants, put your favorite one in the 10G or multiple and enjoy!
100%! I used the get the worm poop cheap but no more. It’s so expensive…. You’ve got to make your own…. but so worth it!