
Figgerlickinggood said:
@"TorontoJoe"#1 Friday we rented a big U Haul truck to put a lot of our boxes and fig trees to bring to the new house on Monday. Then Saturday morning when my husband turned on the lights on in the garage suddenly 3 BIG hornets were swarming around one of the lights.  He called our exterminator and when he came and saw them turns out they’re European Hornets.  The have the same markings like yellow jackets but much much larger.  He said to my husband they probably came into the garage while he was loading up the truck.  Said not to worry because the like to nest way up high like 30 feet.  Wouldn’t have a nest underneath our deck.

I've had the European hornets nest at ground level.   They made a nest in the padded seat bottom of an old fashion folding chair.  So glad we noticed the traffic before grabbing that chair. 
TorontoJoe said:
Just when you think you have one pest under control, in comes another. I'll try to post some pics in a bit but I have wasps attacking my ripening figs. They're chewing right through the organza bags. I noticed this over the last couple days but it's getting worse. I'm not even home right now but my wife just called to say she just got stung by one when trying to pick one for a snack.  :@

I need to mount a defence ... Wondering if anyone has had this issue and if they might have a solution?

I have the same issue here, though 98% of my figs have ripened. Anyway, I left 3 figs in different parts of the 'fig patch' uncovered and the wasps seem to be happy feasting on those and not touching anything in organza bags.