
I really would love to know as well. I have been eyeing picking some up to root and experiment with.
Mike knows a lot more about these than I do, but Saleeb has been the most reliable producer that I have. It bears well and the caprifigs have lots of pollen. Mine seem to mainly produce profichi figs, which are the ones I want...I think some of my trees produced a couple of figs (Mammoni) in late summer, but I really can't recall. And I don't believe any of my Saleeb have Mamme right now. I will have to check my trees and my notes. And I will have to pay closer attention this year.

It has also rooted VERY easily for me.
Thanks, RandyK! This is really helpful information! Good news on the ease of rooting!

Mike knows a lot more about these than I do, but Saleeb has been the most reliable producer that I have. It bears well and the caprifigs have lots of pollen. Mine seem to mainly produce profichi figs, which are the ones I want...I think some of my trees produced a couple of figs (Mammoni) in late summer, but I really can't recall. And I don't believe any of my Saleeb have Mamme right now. I will have to check my trees and my notes. And I will have to pay closer attention this year.

It has also rooted VERY easily for me.
Looking at the Caprifigs, the amount of pollen it generally has, is fine for hand pollination, but for a wasp colony to survive, 3 good overlapping crops are of course essential, unless you have multiple Caprifig trees to fill in the blanks.
Thanks, Trustyfarms! Looking forward to receiving the order!
Thinking about this. I don't recall seeing any winter crop/mamme on any of my persistent Capri.
Thank you Mike, I am amazed that so little is known about this Caprifig, yet it is hailed as being one of the best. I guess it depends what you want to use it for, but it seems unlikely that it could ever support a wasp colony without support from at least one other Caprifig tree.
Thank you Mike, I am amazed that so little is known about this Caprifig, yet it is hailed as being one of the best. I guess it depends what you want to use it for, but it seems unlikely that it could ever support a wasp colony without support from at least one other Caprifig tree.
One of the best for breeding common figs at a certain time in history.
But as you said I would doubt it could support the wasp without help from another Capri.
I have yet to find a persistent one that I could recommend to support the wasp.
Different Capri for different outcomes. One of the many reasons I collect and gave the books up.
We are all still learning my friend. :)
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