Now through Sat., March 1st, 2025, you can download a FREE copy of this ebook from Amazon. It is a new book that was just released. The author is Susan Poizner and the title is
Fruit Tree Pruning: The Science and Art of Cultivating Healthy Fruit Trees
If you click on the title above, it will take you directly to the page. Make certain you select the Kindle version (paperback isn't free but would be good to own). Then you must select the orange button "Buy it now with 1 click". It will then add the book to your library.
If you haven't heard of Susan, she has some great materials. She has a podcast on growing fruit trees and also has a YouTube channel, called Orchard People, where the podcast happens live. She brings in a wide assortment of knowledgeable guests who speak on a broad diversity of topic centered around growing fruit for the home orchardist. She also has a lot of great resources on her website, too.
Fruit Tree Pruning: The Science and Art of Cultivating Healthy Fruit Trees
If you click on the title above, it will take you directly to the page. Make certain you select the Kindle version (paperback isn't free but would be good to own). Then you must select the orange button "Buy it now with 1 click". It will then add the book to your library.
If you haven't heard of Susan, she has some great materials. She has a podcast on growing fruit trees and also has a YouTube channel, called Orchard People, where the podcast happens live. She brings in a wide assortment of knowledgeable guests who speak on a broad diversity of topic centered around growing fruit for the home orchardist. She also has a lot of great resources on her website, too.
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