Fig Frolic Fun

RandyK said:

Thanks for posting some pictures.  What a great event again this year.  They continue to get better every year!  Fun times (and great people)!

Right you are Randy, every one does get better.
And Thank you for standing up there and sharing your knowledge with everyone!
I'm not a front of the class kind of person, but I appreciate the people who are. :D 
Very nice job Sir!

Can't wait for the next one.
Fig Frolic what a wonderful day to remember. Thank you so much for all the pictures posted. Since I couldn't get there this year it makes me feel like I shared the experience with you.
Looks like a good turnout and everyone looks like their having fun. It might be time for me to visit another fig festival next year.
I wanted to go all year, but my eyesight kept getting worse. Many Willy Wonka fig Adventures had to be canceled. Especially my secret wish to visit the magic fig Kingdom. Please don't tell @HarveyC it's a secret.
Tinyfish said:
Looks like a good turnout and everyone looks like their having fun. It might be time for me to visit another fig festival next year.

Tony that would be so cool, be great to meet you.

Figless said:
I wanted to go all year, but my eyesight kept getting worse. Many Willy Wonka fig Adventures had to be canceled. Especially my secret wish to visit the magic fig Kingdom. Please don't tell @HarveyC it's a secret.'s a long trip but you are welcome anytime. :)

LadyGT said:
I cannot wait to see the videos on the speakers so I check youtube daily.

Denise, do you follow Randall on youtube?
He has some video footage I believe and Angel too.
Maybe one other.
As soon as I know anything I will post.
Kevin, I do follow Randall's channel.  I have been using the search feature in case other folks post videos. It's a bit early to find anything, but I look anyways. lol
LadyGT said:
Kevin, I do follow Randall's channel.  I have been using the search feature in case other folks post videos. It's a bit early to find anything, but I look anyways. lol

Yea you're right, it is a bit early yet.
Can't help being impatient. lol
@Costa I'm so sorry I missed my chance to meet you at the frolic. But you're wonderful pictures made me feel like I attended this amazing event with you. Thank you so much for posting those lovely pictures.