Favorite fertilizers / manures?

Figless said:
@"Shaft"#118 . I have tried your embedded links, most seem to be malfunctioning. Shaft I am basically assuming you do have various compost teas, and fertilizers for sale. If this is so please let me know. I'm going to P.M. private message you sometime this evening. Public messages have a wonderful thing in a fruit forum platform such as our own. But I also want to start promoting the use of private messages to one another, on our figfanatic.com website. This really helps everyone to bond together.

I couldn't agree more. I tihnk networking is going to be more important in the near future than any of us realize. 

I'm not sure why the media isn't working @"TorontoJoe"#1 I used the BB image stuff provided by the forum
@"Shaft"#118 . I got your pm, and we are looking at it so many amazing choices. Of course it always boils down to that dirty S word, shipping. Of course we want to do business with members, so we're taking a look. I always liked everything you wrote, back in the old house. LOL nothing's changed I still like everything you're writing.
Shaft was my first friend on the old forum. I instantly recognized his plant passion and that he was brilliant with a keyboard.
Aged chicken manure mostly... watch out for 2,4-D herbicide in cow manure.  They spray it on hayfields sometimes to kill the broadleaf plants (weeds).  My cousin in Texas, his mom has horses, swears it is killing his garden when he uses it.  I read some articles on it and it isn't suppose to, but it's something to think about.
We have about 30 chickens and that equals quite a bit of chicken poop.  Where it builds up in the hen house or under the roosts I will shovel out about 2-3 times a year and move about 10 of those 35 gallon blue plastic barrels, probably 2/3 full at a time, and dump them under a tree to season.  After a few months it turns into a mound of rich organic black gold.
Then when I am potting up plants, I mix this with about 1/3 sand and 1/3 perlite.  I get the sand from my yard - luckily it's very clean and we don't have RKN, and the perlite from an expander - last year it was $200 for a 4' x 4' x 4' bag (about 2 yards), which made about 1200 gallons of potting mix.
This is supplemented with about 10 bags of D.E. (optisorb) and 20 blocks of coco coir - recycled from my rooting method.
Aww thanks guys you make me blush. And yes, no rush whatsoever. I just realized there was a post I hadn't responded to. It looks like the forum format changed somehow but I can't quite put my finger on it...