Exquisito Always Good

I’m looking forward to trying this, so I don’t have to replace soggy organza bags every time we have a little shower.
I have several figs wearing ziploc bag raincoats now, trying to keep sensitive skins from melting in this wetness from Helene. Hope the winds don’t send the bags to my neighbors.
I’ve been using cupcake clamshells inside organza bags to protect figs.

You need to ventilate them or they cause the skin to mold. I punch 4 holes in the top and bottom by heating an extra long earth staple in my gas stove and then melting the holes in the lids.

The clamshell should fit the bag tightly so fig doesn’t bounce out if the critter knocks it loose. I tie the organza bag to the stem.

This is the only way I’ve had any figs to eat for the past month.

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Thanks for posting @"Tinyfish"#6  and @"9ah-figlet"#12 

The reason I asked is because I received a cutting labeled Exquisito two years ago in a fig order, but two other figs from that order have not been true to type, so I have become suspicious. The “Exquisito” tree produces some delicious mid-season figs, was very productive, and has ripened all its fruit in our short season. Here are pics of the fruit and leaves. The leaves are five lobed, so different than yours. The fruit has a sweet raspberry flavor that reminds me of a amped up RdB. Does this look like Exquisito to you?

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Figocean said:
Thanks for posting @"Tinyfish"#6  and @"9ah-figlet"#12 

The reason I asked is because I received a cutting labeled Exquisito two years ago in a fig order, but two other figs from that order have not been true to type, so I have become suspicious. The “Exquisito” tree produces some delicious mid-season figs, was very productive, and has ripened all its fruit in our short season. Here are pics of the fruit and leaves. The leaves are five lobed, so different than yours. The fruit has a sweet raspberry flavor that reminds me of a amped up RdB. Does this look like Exquisito to you?

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I don't think I have any 5 lobed leaves on any of mine. Your fruit looks very good but the flesh looks too red in that picture.
Thanks @"Tinyfish"#6  and @"9ah-figlet"#12 .

The deeper sinuses of my leaves and redder interior of my fruit makes me think, “NOT Exquisito.” That’s my fourth NOT this year, and likely the only one of the NOTs that I’ll keep: still a very good fig. Hope I can ID this one at some point.
@"Tinyfish"#6 @"TorontoJoe"#1. I think Exquisito is one of the most beautiful fig trees that exist, especially when loaded with figs. Is there any chance that some of you would share more of your wonderful fig tree pictures loaded with ripening fruit?
@RedRockFig a very nice bounty you have there.

Figless said:
@"Tinyfish"#6 @"TorontoJoe"#1. I think Exquisito is one of the most beautiful fig trees that exist, especially when loaded with figs. Is there any chance that some of you would share more of your wonderful fig tree pictures loaded with ripening fruit?

Sadly the season is done for me or should I say never started. I need to make an enclosure next season or its pointless growing figs for me.