Don’t be shy, name your top fig of 2024?

That is one I will be keeping, it's got good flavor and earliness...two of my favorite attributes for a fig. lol
Like some others already stated; I say my best is WM#1.  Right behind it is St Rita and LSU Hollier.  Planted mine in ground '21, died to ground in spring of '22 during artic freeze but came back and survived since without any protection,
So interesting ... WM#1 is a rock star for me.... Hollier... one gifted to me from a friend in the north east has been, meh.... Maybe I should give it more time.
I'm surprised with WM.... I imagine there are others but I can't recall anyone ever describing it as less than top shelf.... I wonder... if it's a matter of it being as good for you as it is for me... but the caprified figs you get make it pale in comparison...

I would be curious to know... what if any figs considered top tier in the north east you also consider good?
@"TorontoJoe"#1 For me- Top-tier figs that are more available: Emalyn's Purple, Israeli Black, DSJG, Planera, Peter's Honey, HdA, Smith, Cessac, Barran, CdM, Mercedes Gem, Byadi, sometimes 505H. I would like to include Angelito but it was only decent in it's first season. It didn't fruit this year. Some of these figs are not top-tier in price, but are top-tier in flavor.
I was blown away by Emalyn's Purple when I tried it at a friend's house.
Well, this one is a bit easier for me, as I have only tasted maybe a dozen varieties (ever).  I tried WM #1 for the first time and I think that is my favorite (for now).

Honorable mentions:  Stella, Negre d'Agde, LSU Purple

Most anticipated (have yet to taste): Angelito, Iranian Candy, Jolly Rancher, Swadi, CdA, LSU Tiger, LdA, Black Celeste
If you like WM#1... I can't wait for your review of Angelito   


By the way... we need to get you an avatar pic... Can we throw up the Acropolis or something? ;)
I don't know how many years on sine I started growing figs and how many I've tried,  but if I was forced to choose... Like if I had no choice but to pick one... It might be I-258. For me, it still checks all the boxes. I want to start growing it in a container... I've never done that before because people keep snagging my copies. I have a couple that I'm hoping to hold on to so I can try starting early under lights in the garage.
@"GoodFriendMike"#9 Thanks I found @"Chato9b"#70 comment, but i couldnt find caprified, and uncaprified fruit on the same tree at the same time a likely common trait?
Top 5 standouts this year for high production and superior taste were Bourjasotte Grise, Paratjal Rimada, Da Ponte, Calderona and Grandes Planes. Sixth is my wife's favorite is Golden Riverside. Just could not get enough of any of these. There were other varieties that produced some great tasting figs but not is the same quanities. (pic order: Bourjasotte Grise, Grandes Planes, Golden Riverside, Paratjal Rimada, Da Ponte, Calderona.)

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Absolutely worth it to give a head start. They taste fabulous in July-August.

Starting in a garage was a challenge for me this year due to the temperature differential and resulting condensation. The basement was much easier.