Can We trade non figs ?

On m111 and G214 rootstocks here are some apples we have.



Granny Smith

Maiden Blush


Golden Del.


Virginia Beauty

King of Pippins

Virginia Limbertwig

Esopus Spitzenberg

Mammoth Blacktwig

Myer’s Royal Limbertwig


Mollie’s Delicious

Honey Cider

Winter Banana

Grimes Golden


I have Ponca and Apache thornless blackberry
Just saw this...I'd be interested in your two blackberries if you're still trading. Do you have plants of them ? maybe we can set up an early spring trade.
Just saw this...I'd be interested in your two blackberries if you're still trading. Do you have plants of them ? maybe we can set up an early spring trade.
We do have plants of the blackberries. We don’t sell or trade blackberry cuttings as they are very unreliable rooters. We have be testing different methods of rooting blackberries cuttings with varied success, but what we would trade would be a sucker plant. We do have other varieties of blackberry as well.