BFF body count !

SINCE i started the combo fig sap /fly paper /mcferson trap /swating rotine :feb 21 =40 killed,feb22=48 killed,feb 23 =20 killed,feb 24 killed 20 . Hopefully # will continue GOING down . cutting for fresh sap important to keep fly paper working ! PANASHE SEEMS TO HAVE VERY ATTRACTIVE SAP TO BFF !

I'm curious.... how developed is your Panache? Any chance there are visual cues?

Just a thought. I wonder what else might be different there?
This is great info especially for those that live on the outskirts of BFF territory since their numbers are fewer.

Still no sign of BFF in my yard but who knows - this might be the season maybe they'll finally make it here 😔
Well the SLF (Spotted Lantern Fly) finally showed up at my house. Guess eventually everyone gets something. I remember back in the late 70’s it was said that the African Killer Bees escaped from the facility in South America and would eventually make it to the US by the 80’s or 90’s and they did. Strange how we don’t hear about them anymore.
Well the SLF (Spotted Lantern Fly) finally showed up at my house. Guess eventually everyone gets something. I remember back in the late 70’s it was said that the African Killer Bees escaped from the facility in South America and would eventually make it to the US by the 80’s or 90’s and they did. Strange how we don’t hear about them anymore.
Ooof! Those things would bug the heck out of me.

I remember seeing a hive of Killer Bees but that hive was inside an above ground electrical box - it was crazy seeing the top half of the box covered in bees!
Well the SLF (Spotted Lantern Fly) finally showed up at my house. Guess eventually everyone gets something. I remember back in the late 70’s it was said that the African Killer Bees escaped from the facility in South America and would eventually make it to the US by the 80’s or 90’s and they did. Strange how we don’t hear about them anymore.
They’re crazy abundant here in NJ during the summer, they single-handedly killed my neighbors old grape vine in a single season 😢
SINCE i started the combo fig sap /fly paper /mcferson trap /swating rotine :feb 21 =40 killed,feb22=48 killed,feb 23 =20 killed,feb 24 killed 20 . Hopefully # will continue GOING down . cutting for fresh sap important to keep fly paper working ! PANASHE SEEMS TO HAVE VERY ATTRACTIVE SAP TO BFF !
I didn't have too much trouble with Panache last year. But for the last 2 years, nearly every RLBV has been infected from the BFF. Grrr....
I hope you continue to make progress eliminating those pests!
Working on it seems to be a population lul right now ,maybe i put a dent in the first to imerge ,colder now shure there will be more to come @#@!!$%#@ THEY did not hit PANACHE super hard compared to others but they like drinking the sap when you cut them .
Working on it seems to be a population lul right now ,maybe i put a dent in the first to imerge ,colder now shure there will be more to come @#@!!$%#@ THEY did not hit PANACHE super hard compared to others but they like drinking the sap when you cut them .
Last year I found some netting that had openings big enough to let in the wasp but keep out the BFF. I don't think I'm going to use it as much this year. It absorbed too much heat and burned the leaves and some of the fruit. I'll probably have to go back to using hundreds of organza bags again.
This is great info especially for those that live on the outskirts of BFF territory since their numbers are fewer.

Still no sign of BFF in my yard but who knows - this might be the season maybe they'll finally make it here 😔
I hope they don't ever find you. These things are a nightmare!
Last year I found some netting that had openings big enough to let in the wasp but keep out the BFF. I don't think I'm going to use it as much this year. It absorbed too much heat and burned the leaves and some of the fruit. I'll probably have to go back to using hundreds of organza bags again.

Hold on... I thought they BFF was around the same size.... meaning any mesh that would keep it out would prevent the wasp from entering, no?
Hold on... I thought they BFF was around the same size.... meaning any mesh that would keep it out would prevent the wasp from entering, no?
No, the wasp is actually smaller than the BFF. I found some mesh with holes approximately 1mm diameter, large enough to let the wasp in and small enough to keep the BFF out. The head of the BFF is usually larger than 1mm. Their body is definitely larger than 1mm.
I know it's a pain in the culo, but couldn't you just bag them with a mesh small enough to keep BFF out and large enough to allow the wasp in? I put organza bags on most of my figs near ripening to protect them from ants, paper wasps, asian ladybeetles and occasionally earwigs.
UNFORTUNATLY there is a huge difference in the effects organza bags have on already swelled almost ripe figs (very little) and the problems they cause on rasin size figs that you need to bag to stop BFF egg laying .AS these baged figs grow they tend to desicate or mold and never ripen.depends on your micro climate ? where i am at the bags get wet with dew every morning in the may -july and beyond .FULL TREE BAGING (ONE BIG BAG) ONLY WORKS A LITTLE BETTER , MAYBE WITH A EXAHUST FAN ?
Maybe the smaller bags with a fan?

I know, I'm reaching. It's just pains me to know you live in wasp country but now have to live with BFF. I wish I could be part of a solution.
I know it's a pain in the culo, but couldn't you just bag them with a mesh small enough to keep BFF out and large enough to allow the wasp in? I put organza bags on most of my figs near ripening to protect them from ants, paper wasps, asian ladybeetles and occasionally earwigs.
Yes, that would be a possible solution. But the organza bags all seem to be made of the same size mesh that keeps both wasp and BFF out. I'm still looking for bags made of the right sized mesh. Luckily, the majority of my figs don't need the wasp. I still have 300 bags ready to deploy.
UNFORTUNATLY there is a huge difference in the effects organza bags have on already swelled almost ripe figs (very little) and the problems they cause on rasin size figs that you need to bag to stop BFF egg laying .AS these baged figs grow they tend to desicate or mold and never ripen.depends on your micro climate ? where i am at the bags get wet with dew every morning in the may -july and beyond .FULL TREE BAGING (ONE BIG BAG) ONLY WORKS A LITTLE BETTER , MAYBE WITH A EXAHUST FAN ?
I also get mold on some of them. Panache gets hit pretty hard for some reason. I'm about 15 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean, so my micro-climate is probably a bit different than yours. I do get the coastal fog and moisture that lingers until noon and keeps everything moist. On those days, the bags stay wet for too long.