Enchanted Gardens is about 50 miles from Tomball. It's a great nursery and worth checking out, but the traffic could be horrendous depending on the time of day. The Arbor Gate is in Tomball and is a great place to shop, but might be a bit pricey, depending on your budget.
I'm in Humble, but used to live in "The Heights" (slightly west of downtown). I've purchased fig trees from Buchanan's (The Heights) and from Warren's Southern Gardens (Kingwood). I highly recommend both for garden veggies and herbs, but not necessarily fig trees. I have not visited Trans Nursery or Plantas N Plants, but they are on my list for a Springtime visit.
Most of my trees come from serious fig folks in the region like Rudypayraise. I think I've seen him post here and OF. There are a good number of folks in the Houston area or within about an hour drive who have a mindblowing number of healthy trees and cuttings. Maybe check out the Houston Fig Exchange and Texas Fig Growers Facebook pages for in person meet ups? Scott B., Todd H., Rick T., and a number of other folks are great to chat with and have some great trees and cuttings that they are putting out right now.