Ambrosia beetles

@"ktrain"#2 took a look at this insecticide for borers and Ambrosia beetles. As you suggested it's a great solution for a nasty problem in your home Orchard. 7.9% Bifenthrin. Is a pretty strong pyrethroid that I have seen used in some 90 day Orchard pesticide Solutions that are rated 90 days. I guess if it rains you have to reapply another great suggestion Kevin well this one is not organic it is fundamentally a pyrethroid and should be safe to use on fruit trees. I definitely would use this product.
We took heavy losses from ambrosia beetles here a few years ago. I found in the end that they're attracted to wounds and dying wood. I created the problem myself because I top-notch a lot to induce branching on lazy buds. I'd been attracting them and giving them an easy entry point. Since figuring it out I now seal all my open wounds in the first half of the season while they're active. Since I started doing this I haven't seen any trace of them.

The nasty thing about these borers is that by the time you know you have a problem, it's way too late. Best you can do is cut down to the lowest entry point... which is most often near to the ground.