Good luck, I think over the years I’ve had all those white bugs at one time or another—mealy bugs, white flies, white and every color of aphid you can think of, and spider mites! Not sure if any are the same or not but every one has been a pain…especially the ones that can see/sense your presence and scatter away.
I’ve come to the conclusion, for me, is to just gently hose them off with plain water, until the beneficial bugs start to show up like lady bugs, wasps, yellow jackets, preying mantis, spider, I think fire flies are even predatory?
I won’t even use organic insect killer cause all insect killer doesn’t know the good from the bad—so—every year is a challenge.
But I tell ya, once the good guys show up they do their job!!!
I still want to check to see what's on them but regardless, since the leaves have to come off anyways, I may end up putting it outside and let the predators do their thing....