Zone 4 Ripening Record


Everything was head started in a pop up tent in late March. All are very common varieties so this might help some new growers in colder zones pick some easy to obtain types.

Unk ​​​​​Italian Honey -Figlet June 9/ Ripe Aug 20
Natalia (Etna)- pea size May 29/ Ripe Aug 24
​RDB - figlet June 13/ Ripe Aug 29
LSU Tiger -figlets June 8/ Ripe Sept 2
LSU Purple -pea size June 6, Ripe breba July 15/ Ripe Main Sept 5
Impelizzeri - Figlets June 9/ Ripe Sept 5
Colossanti Dark - Figlet June 7/ ripe Sept 15 (1st year tree)
Nordland - figlets June 7/Ripe Sept 19 (grafted branch)
That's good information Mick, definitely will help some newbs or even others who have never had those. :)
Good information. 👍  growing figs in zone 4 is no easy task. Which one was your favorite?
What a great, very succinct way of showing ripening time!  Thanks for the comment on Natalina being your hadn't been on my radar.  I think I'll have to check that one out.

I have to say that I am very impressed that you are able to ripen figs in zone 4...that is really some serious zone pushing!
RandyK said:
What a great, very succinct way of showing ripening time!  Thanks for the comment on Natalina being your hadn't been on my radar.  I think I'll have to check that one out.

I have to say that I am very impressed that you are able to ripen figs in zone 4...that is really some serious zone pushing!
Natalina makes small figs but great flavor. It is usually 1-2 weeks ahead of other Etnas, which makes a big difference in my zone.