Your fig pictures....


I just assumed... But someone asked me why they can't insert larger images. I can see it's not obvious... so I just wanted everyone to know. If you click on the picture in a post, it will bring you to a full sized image.
I'm working on a "how to" forum to cover stuff like.

Click for original
Figology said:
Ty. I can see Wayne Gretzky much better now

LoL! I don't think he's gotten on a coin yet. It wouldn't surprise me if it happened though...He's pretty much royalty here...   And they haven't even gotten around to removing the queen and putting King Charles on the other side :)
@"TorontoJoe"#1 @"Figology"#21 @Wayne Gretzky. Such a forum would please me very much. Applause :cool:
Since this is only a low-level PSA post, I will join in the hijacking of my own thread :D
I've had the opportunity to meet and actually speak with him more than once... Firstly... he is "human", with everything that implies.. I think sometimes people forget this of people who achieve success. Not a slight... I think there have been many more physically gifted players. He as said as much..... His strength was in his ability to read his opponents and know what they'll do before they do it.
He's a nice guy .... just like all of us... he has things....  His personality... is understated. Not a "jock" by any means despite being the best ever in his arena... More of the strong, quiet type.  Definitely a believer in the power of the human spirit. I'm not a huge hockey fan... but I like him. 
One day.... my Gordie Howe story... :)
I never get tired of watching Gretzky film clips.  Just incredible.  He just seemed to be on a totally different level.  And I think just an all around great person too from what I can tell.

I think Wayne Gretzky on a Canadian coin would be awesome...heck, I would love a US Gretzky coin!  They've put just about anything you can think of on our quarters now...why not a Wayne Gretzky quarter?!!!  Where do I vote for that?
@"TorontoJoe"#1 Wayne Gretzky was the very best the game ever had to offer. . may have been more gifted players but his career eclipsed theirs. I envy you you're moment to watch him play , and to get the chance to actually meet him.