
It’s over now.  Wasn’t far from our house.  We’re also under a wind advisory advisory Till 11 pm.  15-25 mph w/gusts up to 50mph.  Just hope we don’t lose power.
@"Figgerlickinggood"#7 . Teresa I am so glad to hear that tornado missed you. Oh my God you just moved in, and it looks like you're on the way to visit the Wizard of Oz. Everybody make sure you're paid up on those wind storm insurance policies. That is not the place to try to save some money. I have two good friends in Texas who had their house split literally into two halves who made the mistake of canceling their wind storm insurance. Please be careful everybody.
@"Figless"#18  @"ktrain"#2  @"TorontoJoe"#1  we are all good right now, lost power at around 8pm and it’s back on  at 5:30 this morning. Thank God, I was worried the food in the freezer would thaw and even worse I wouldn’t be able to have any coffee LOL. 😡
Figgerlickinggood said:
@"Figless"#18  @"ktrain"#2  @"TorontoJoe"#1  we are all good right now, lost power at around 8pm and it’s back on  at 5:30 this morning. Thank God, I was worried the food in the freezer would thaw and even worse I wouldn’t be able to have any coffee LOL. 😡


Gotta have the coffee...making mine right now. :D
I think we were pretty fortunate here!  A few limbs down, but no trees came down (yet).  We had lots of rain and wind that got a bit strong, but not too bad.  Power only went out for a very brief time, which is amazing with all the huge trees around here.  Still raining here.  We weren't impacted by the terrible flooding about an hour east and southeast of here.  

Hopefully the Florida panhandle and south Georgia will recover quickly.