Vince #3

Hm...I don't know why I was thinking this was a Mt. Etna type fig.
I stand corrected...or...well I sit corrected. :)
@"JMF75"#5 . Oh my God what a beautiful looking fig. From what you said it tastes even better than it looks, and it looks like a show stopping pin up calendar girl. Congratulations for growing such a beautiful fig. I have been interested in Vince #3 since I first heard about it a few months ago. I hope to get my big hands wrapped around a cutting, or two this winter. We will see what happens, but I do like this fig. Especially for those living on the Northeast Coast. It's kind of a dream fig for Northeast temperature zones.
Figless said:
@"JMF75"#5 . Oh my God what a beautiful looking fig. From what you said it tastes even better than it looks, and it looks like a show stopping pin up calendar girl. Congratulations for growing such a beautiful fig. I have been interested in Vince #3 since I first heard about it a few months ago. I hope to get my big hands wrapped around a cutting, or two this winter. We will see what happens, but I do like this fig. Especially for those living on the Northeast Coast. It's kind of a dream fig for Northeast temperature zones.
Thank you for your kind words. This fig would do very well in the West coast under dry conditions. It's a good one.
Great pictures! Vince #3 is near the top of my wish list! Hopefully I can pick this up between now and March.
@"Tinyfish"#6 you are a fig Horticulture Superstar. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your reviews of all these varieties. If I ever get a chance to cultivate even half of the excellent figs you continually write about with authority. I will be very happy
@"DCallahan"#71 - Vince#3 is a Toronto backyard find. Its super early and soooo tasty. It doesn't hurt if you want figs earlier but it doesn't require a head start here. Mine are all in posts still and just get tossed in the garage in winter.