Trying Fig Pops for late summer propagation


Well-known member
I got my long lost Harvey sale cuttings today. They were long time refrigerator crisper residence, that just arrived in the mail today. Due to a suggestion by @Figology I decided to go with fig pops. I will post a couple pictures below. I really did not want to use coco, but we had some high quality coco bricks hanging around. So I decided to give it a try. I'm thinking of going 50/50 Pro mix, plus coco. I want to to use a perlite peat homemade mix plus coco. But the perlite was #4 which felt like too big of a chunk for starting cuttings with. I also will do an undetermined number of root riot starting cubes of compressed Peat. To see how successful or not they will be with fresh summer cuttings. Maybe partially lingified. I've been curious about propagating with cutting cubes. But I absolutely didn't want to use Rockwell cubes.

BTW as always I invite as much feedback from as many members as possible.

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Pops are my go to method. I like the “set it and forget it” aspect.

Typically all I do is use a.5:1 Mix to water by volume and that’s it. The medium I use is ProMix HP or Sunshine#4.

I Cinch up the bag with a zip tie or electrical tape to make it as tight as possible to keep all the moisture in… then I wait
Wow that's cool Greg,
My Harvey cuttings I left in my fridge far too long and of course lost some of them to mold.
I just didn't have time or space to get them all started, so 7-8 months of sitting in there...about a 50% success rate.
My fault.
Hope you have way better success...that's a lot to take care of through the winter months. :)
The images aren’t loading, but I hope they’re the tall tree pots with U-line bags wrapped around. Could be considered hybrid fig pops. MJFigs came up with this if I’m not mistaken.
@"Figology"#21. Sorry boss, I went with the right Uline bags. I did a 50/50 mix of Pro mix HP/ coco sealed it pretty good with the tape. Used Extreme Mycos, and dip and grow. Sorry you couldn't see the pictures I'm going to do a tray of green cuttings as well using root riot compressed peat cubes. So far I haven't really been happy with my supper cutting results. But then I didn't really have top quality cuttings. They were either in the refrigerator crisper too long, or the cuttings felt a little weak. I wasn't able to add new pictures for you
Figless said:
@"Figology"#21. Sorry boss, I went with the right Uline bags. I did a 50/50 mix of Pro mix HP/ coco sealed it pretty good with the tape. Used Extreme Mycos, and dip and grow. Sorry you couldn't see the pictures I'm going to do a tray of green cuttings as well using root riot compressed peat cubes. So far I haven't really been happy with my supper cutting results. But then I didn't really have top quality cuttings. They were either in the refrigerator crisper too long, or the cuttings felt a little weak. I wasn't able to add new pictures for you

Those will work fine. 

Just a side note, I used to put 1/4 inch horizontal score marks, below the nodes that would be buried. I noticed a high percentage of roots emerging from those score marks.