The Original Figloo (as far as I know)


This one isn't mine.... It was actually this method that inspired Electri-fig-ation. 

I had the privilege of meeting John several years back at a local fig tasting hosted by a mutual friend. Very nice man. 

He used walk in refrigerator panels that are available used in places like Craigslist or Kijiji. 

Check out his Figloo

@"Tinyfish"#6  - I'm hoping you might consider taking some pics and posting a thread when you put your container trees to bed using your sarcophagus method.
Interesting, tongue & groove should seal it up effectively.
Was there a follow up?
Curious if there were any issues.
@"TorontoJoe"#1 LOL I thought the figaloo was a brand new dance... So come on come on, and do the Fig a loo with me... 

The Mind jumps to 1 1/2" or 2" polyurethane 4' x 8' thick sheets. They sell them at Home Depot they could be prefabed with an angle iron frame. I like the figaloo, but I like the heating cable plus insulation thread more for in ground trees.
I don’t know if there was much follow-up beyond the posts noted below. I just always thought it was a cool idea worth sharing.

I like that creates an environment, not really to protect the inground tree… But one can also shove a bunch of potted trees in there with it