Testament to GM!


Here we have it, the results are in.
Now I know I am in North Georgia, we see mostly temps in the 20's in winter.
A few times we were down to the teens, and once or twice down to 11 degrees...for a day or two.

This is a 4yr old Green Michurinska went in ground beginning of last year and was totally unprotected.
You may remember my angry post showing how the little evil coons climbed it and snapped it in half. GAH!
So this sits behind my house, about 5' from the garage roof...in a line with Chicago Hardy, Celeste, & St, Rita.
5 yrs of having to cut down my Celeste due to either freeze or ambrosia beetles....finally it looks like it made it through the winter too!

But back to the GM...look at those buds! :)


And the Celeste...

Celeste.jpgCeleste trunk.jpg
Here we have it, the results are in.
Now I know I am in North Georgia, we see mostly temps in the 20's in winter.
A few times we were down to the teens, and once or twice down to 11 degrees...for a day or two.

This is a 4yr old Green Michurinska went in ground beginning of last year and was totally unprotected.
You may remember my angry post showing how the little evil coons climbed it and snapped it in half. GAH!
So this sits behind my house, about 5' from the garage roof...in a line with Chicago Hardy, Celeste, & St, Rita.
5 yrs of having to cut down my Celeste due to either freeze or ambrosia beetles....finally it looks like it made it through the winter too!

But back to the GM...look at those buds! :)

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And the Celeste...

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We have a unk Sicily that was just pruned today back to scaffolds. It survived unprotected into the single digits (7-9) this winter. We have GM and look forward to getting one established outside to compare.
Especially after seeing your results.
We have a unk Sicily that was just pruned today back to scaffolds. It survived unprotected into the single digits (7-9) this winter. We have GM and look forward to getting one established outside to compare.
Especially after seeing your results.
All 4 in my row back there seem good to go.
I'll be choosing another 1 or 2 for in ground this year.
Green Michurinska is an excellent option for inground culture for short season growers. I'm sure in Georgia you will have a good harvest with your trees.👍
Green Michurinska is an excellent option for inground culture for short season growers. I'm sure in Georgia you will have a good harvest with your trees.👍
The last few years it has been doing great in a pot, even did good in the rainy season we have.
This will be the first year to get some while it is in ground, thanks to those stupid coons. Lol