Sure was a cold night last night


Well-known member
It was 32° this morning.  It will be in the mid to low 30's for the next few nights. 54° was the high for today and windy.  How was it at your house?
@"Figgerlickinggood"#7   That's okay Teresa I just thought it was the title of a song. Hope all your trees successfully survive this cold weather event with little or no ill effects. 

BTW I just have to put in another good word for your newest, and my most favorite threaded post of all time ((Which chips are best?))
We've been dipping but haven't dropped below 3C (38F). The long term forecast is nice though... I hope it helps me ripen some more decent figs. This weekend we're supposed to get up to 21C (70?)  North of the lake it's colder I think... I think the north end of the city has a frost advisory 

I hope you get some nice days before the real cold comes.
It's so weird that we have similar temps right now... actually I haven't dipped that low. I guess the real difference is in January and how early it warms up.
I have a whole house fan, these cold nights are perfect for sucking in cold air and not needing AC during the day. With all my upgrades, my house has been cooled to 70F in the morning and only reaches 75F by 5PMwhen the temp is 100F outside.
@"Figology"#21 I keep hoping for one more month. I have so many figs just on the verge of ripening. Including WM#1, BB, DSJG, SV, SL.CdDB, CdDG, CdDR, and VDB, Paratijal Rimada, BelaClare Sport, and more. Galbun ect...... Sooooo Closssse
So, room temperature all the time.... how do you live?  :P

I actually didn't think it got that hot there very often either. I hope it's dry at least
I’m in the San Fernando Valley which is about 10-15 miles from the ocean. Summers highs average 85-95 on the hotter days. The LA basin, is probably 15 degrees cooler on average and even cooler near the beach.

I was just thinking the same. Close that puppy up.
Last time I was in Cali it was San Fran in June of 2019. (Go Raptors) I was blown away how cold it got at night. Way colder than it was in Toronto... But of course, there it never freezes. Every time I've been in SoCal it's been mid summer in LA or San Diego. Glorious weather for me... but of course, my body is engineered for the Mediterranean basin ... I spent some time a couple years ago in western canada during a heat wave... Up the Fraser River area it topped 45C. (like 113F)... but it was so dry, I loved it. Never felt better. 

Winter is coming here and I'm already missing being outdoors in shorts.... bummer.
@"Figgerlickinggood"#7 I’m to the east of you in Manassas. We’ve gotten down to 37-39. If we can get through the next few days, we should get a break and have workable weather until the end of October - Mid November. Fingers crossed. 
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Thanks. Great to be here!  Hopefully, your move/unpacking is going well, and that the three fig trees that you decided to keep after your move are doing well. I love that whole Shenandoah valley area. We get over there as often as we can for the views, hiking, mushroom hunting, and to get cooler during the hot weather.
@"TorontoJoe"#1. I'm not yet anywhere near it's too cold here in central california. I I'm just hoping I can ripen all these late starters in my home orchard. I certainly put in the work I'd love to have a chance to get some figgy benefits.

As to skunks, possums, demented squirrels, Raccoons, and Maybe even a couple of rats. Right here indigenous as blank blank blank in Berkeley CA. I will congratulate you on the tremendous size of your Raccoons.