Sooo. What ya'll getting this year???


I am now to the point. I really need to watch what I add. So this year I plan to only add Capri. Maybe I will add Jolly Tiger because I had problems with that one in the past. But besides that only Capri. What are ya'll adding???
Here's some of what I've added so far this autumn.

Bordissot Blanca Negra
Sicillian 33
Cajun Gold (New release from CajunB – Sport of LSU goldwith better split resistance and productivity)
Figs Flower (NikkiCollection)
Raspberry Latte
Gris de St. Jean
De LaCaseta
LSU Strawberry
Sant Mateu
I need to be careful as well.... My interest in grafting is partly to start making franken-figs to I can keep more varieties. I just got Pellegrino

I want to make room for Tia Penya if I can get my hands on one.

I should get a capri..... @GoodFriendMike ... What would you recommend as a good gateway-caprifig for the north east?
I need to be careful as well.... My interest in grafting is partly to start making franken-figs to I can keep more varieties. I just got Pellegrino

I want to make room for Tia Penya if I can get my hands on one.

I should get a capri..... @GoodFriendMike ... What would you recommend as a good gateway-caprifig for the north east?
I'm really excited about Pellegrino. I saw some incredible reviews and pictures of it. Haven't gotten fruit yet though.
I need to be careful as well.... My interest in grafting is partly to start making franken-figs to I can keep more varieties. I just got Pellegrino

I want to make room for Tia Penya if I can get my hands on one.

I should get a capri..... @GoodFriendMike ... What would you recommend as a good gateway-caprifig for the north east?
Capri Q has a good tasting fig. But my favorite right now. As far as no wasp. Is FPTC. Very good pollen.
Capri Q has a good tasting fig. But my favorite right now. As far as no wasp. Is FPTC. Very good pollen.
I think I'd be looking at it more for pollen production. But now you bring up Capri Q..... crap! I think I need both now.

Do I need to consider when my caprifig would have developed pollen relative to my other female figs? This is truly another world
I think I'd be looking at it more for pollen production. But now you bring up Capri Q..... crap! I think I need both now.

Do I need to consider when my caprifig would have developed pollen relative to my other female figs? This is truly another world
Do you have trees that produce breba? Growing a Capri is like growing a female tree that has a breba crop. Your breba in this case your profichi should push out way before your main crop.
Do you have trees that produce breba? Growing a Capri is like growing a female tree that has a breba crop. Your breba in this case your profichi should push out way before your main crop.
I’ve never really grown for Breba. I keep a few here and there but I suppose I can let some hang. Can pollen be stored viably?
Pellegrino is good...I might still have mine, have to go look.
I did order a few things...My Ouriola I picked up a cutting from Ryan, he sent me a log. lol
Grabbed a few other including Capri Q & finally decided to try my hand at Angelito, Kevin aka Chesapeakefigs has some really good stuff.
Maybe a few more later.
My Pellegrino first year planted inground and it just rooted in and put on growth. Last season it grew bigger and put on about 7 figs that grew huge and were absolutely delicious. This past season it was already leafing out when we unwrapped it and it grew really nice and had the most beautiful nice size leaves and it put on NOT ONE FIG.
Im actually planning to reduce the varieties I have to under 20.

I started culling last season, and went from over 150 varieties to around 50 and planning to finish this by spring.

I will have many duplicates of the one I like. Also, and will only trade for mature trees locally if I decided to aquire something new.
As usual, I somehow went from 'no new varieties' to prepping treepots for cuttings in record time.

New additions:

San Biagio
Ischia Black
Portugal 80
Lompoc prolific
De la senyora hivernenca
Vince #3

The harder question is what to get rid of to make room....
Yeah I have the problem of not getting rid of any. I must ask why Lompoc? I do have that one. Not very well taken care of as other trees are priority. Pushed out a ton of figs this year. But not one ripened for me. Young tree tho.
Pallegrino is incredibly good. Has a wonderful sweet finish along with a heavy large bite inmay have to graft to my Frankien fig. The only problem with mine is that’s iis lacking growth. Puts out figs but it doesn’t grow strong.
Pallegrino is incredibly good. Has a wonderful sweet finish along with a heavy large bite inmay have to graft to my Frankien fig. The only problem with mine is that’s iis lacking growth. Puts out figs but it doesn’t grow strong

The one you gave me is starting to grow out nice now. If it's slow for me too maybe I'll stick it on a root stock. I haven't heard a negative word about this fig so I'm looking forward to it. Is there a rootstock you prefer for vigour?
Pellegrino is good...I might still have mine, have to go look.
I did order a few things...My Ouriola I picked up a cutting from Ryan, he sent me a log. lol
Grabbed a few other including Capri Q & finally decided to try my hand at Angelito, Kevin aka Chesapeakefigs has some really good stuff.
Maybe a few more later.
Ouriola is a vigorous grower I’m glad to hear it arrived quickly ;)
Yeah I have the problem of not getting rid of any. I must ask why Lompoc? I do have that one. Not very well taken care of as other trees are priority. Pushed out a ton of figs this year. But not one ripened for me. Young tree tho.
It came as a well regarded honey fig from a friend. Fig gazer speaks highly of it as well. It wasn't on my radar but sounds like it has potential so figured why not give it a whirl. If it's not my cup of tea I have a local friend the loves honey figs so it'll have a good home regardless.
It came as a well regarded honey fig from a friend. Fig gazer speaks highly of it as well. It wasn't on my radar but sounds like it has potential so figured why not give it a whirl. If it's not my cup of tea I have a local friend the loves honey figs so it'll have a good home regardless.
I've always thought honey figs need a warmer climate to be really good. I grow some here but they're just, "good". The ones I eat in Italy are on a different level... not to mention (largely) caprified. I assume the ones that grow in the southern US are pretty awesome. I've had some California honey figs that were pretty great.