Well-known member
@"TorontoJoe"#1 @"ktrain"#2 @"GoodFriendMike"#9 . This is an idea thread. The purpose is to have a subject forum dedicated to learning how to use the Forum tools. It doesn't have to be a dedicated forum LOL it could just be a thread. Members could just pop on and say they don't know how to use a particular part tool or function of the existing forum. This would not be a complaint thread were members would say what they want fixed. No no this would be about members learning how to use what's already been provided. Like for me for instance Joe had to adjust the private messages on my profile. I believe to do it he literally had to recreate my profile. But what I really needed was to learn the private message system. I believe I really didn't go through 800 private messages. Instead I was incorrectly operating that function of the BB notification system. I use it incorrectly so I burned up private messages like they're going out of style. Apparently 800 of them. I also don't know how to add a wish list to my name or signature. There's a ton of stuff I don't know how to use. I was wondering if anybody else feels the same sort of way. That there are tools that they don't really know how to use that would make their figfanatic experience better. Maybe we could use this thread to list the things we'd like to learn about our wonderful figfanatic system. I know Kevin and Joe are completely swamped. Hopefully not literally in Kevin's case. Maybe it would be a place where (GoodFriendMike) or another mod could help us out. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's operating in this platform that really has no idea how to use it correctly. Another example would be the title of this thread. It's completely incorrect it should have been (creating a learn it thread). I have no idea how to fix a title of a thread, but it happens all the time. Anyway kind of a rambling thread but I think it could be useful. Maybe somebody sensible like @"MiaD"#88 or @"9ah-figlet"#12 could rewrite the gist of this thread and we could just delete this one, because it's rambling, and not coherent..
As always I'm inviting everyone to provide feedback
As always I'm inviting everyone to provide feedback