Some thoughts on creating a Fix-It forum thread.


Well-known member
@"TorontoJoe"#1 @"ktrain"#2 @"GoodFriendMike"#9 . This is an idea thread. The purpose is to have a subject forum dedicated to learning how to use the Forum tools. It doesn't have to be a dedicated forum LOL it could just be a thread. Members could just pop on and say they don't know how to use a particular part tool or function of the existing forum. This would not be a complaint thread were members would say what they want fixed. No no this would be about members learning how to use what's already been provided. Like for me for instance Joe had to adjust the private messages on my profile. I believe to do it he literally had to recreate my profile. But what I really needed was to learn the private message system. I believe I really didn't go through 800 private messages. Instead I was incorrectly operating that function of the BB notification system. I use it incorrectly so I burned up private messages like they're going out of style. Apparently 800 of them. I also don't know how to add a wish list to my name or signature. There's a ton of stuff I don't know how to use. I was wondering if anybody else feels the same sort of way. That there are tools that they don't really know how to use that would make their figfanatic experience better. Maybe we could use this thread to list the things we'd like to learn about our wonderful figfanatic system. I know Kevin and Joe are completely swamped. Hopefully not literally in Kevin's case. Maybe it would be a place where (GoodFriendMike) or another mod could help us out. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's operating in this platform that really has no idea how to use it correctly. Another example would be the title of this thread. It's completely incorrect it should have been (creating a learn it thread). I have no idea how to fix a title of a thread, but it happens all the time. Anyway kind of a rambling thread but I think it could be useful. Maybe somebody sensible like @"MiaD"#88 or @"9ah-figlet"#12 could rewrite the gist of this thread and we could just delete this one, because it's rambling, and not coherent..

As always I'm inviting everyone to provide feedback
[font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]User CPT[/font] To add a signature, click the Green User CP button to the left of the Private Messages button.  Scroll down to Change Signature, under the black "Your Profile" section on the left. 
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@"Figology"#21 . Wow I think that worked. I'm going to make a wish list later today thank you. Figology if you feel up to it maybe you could rewrite this thread into a shorter more coherent form, and I will delete this:one.
@"Figless"#18 I am still learning this new platform myself. At one point in my life I knew computers and programs very well. But that was a long time ago. My first computer my mom got from work when they where updating to newer ones. It had a 8 inch floppy disk. Anyone remember those? My computer prime was the mid to late nineties. This new platform reminds me of some of the older ones. But it has been so long I have to relearn. :)
GoodFriendMike said:
@"Figless"#18 I am still learning this new platform myself. At one point in my life I knew computers and programs very well. But that was a long time ago. My first computer my mom got from work when they where updating to newer ones. It had a 8 inch floppy disk. Anyone remember those? My computer prime was the mid to late nineties. This new platform reminds me of some of the older ones. But it has been so long I have to relearn. :)

That’s how I learned computers. In college we had the new technology of Zip disks. I still have a bag full of them with all my computer modeling and college lab work.
@"bushdoctor82"#14  I still have a box full of floppy disk, Hard disk and around 100 cd's with programs on them. I still even have old hacking programs they ended up banning. But all obsolete now. One of these days I might set up an old computer to play some of the old games. Or maybe I will just set up the old Atari 2600???
@"GoodFriendMike"#9 @"bushdoctor82"#14 Maybe we could have a contest, the first member to tell me how long ago an 8" floppy disk was in use wins a bagfull of zip disks. Gentleman what has me deeply concerned is that I am 68 years old, and I do not believe the 8-in floppy disk was in use during my computer days. I remember a 4-in floppy disk. Somehow my Horticultural intuition is telling me that an 8-in floppy disk was not a modernization of the 4-inch floppy. If @"ktrain"#2 doesn't make it through the hurricane I think we're doomed here.

@"GoodFriendMike"#9 . To be honest Mike I will settle for a Windows 98 operating system if you have one? I bought a laptop from Costco to navigate Harvey's winter sale. LOL I did this because Harvey said you need it. I took two days to familiarize myself with this new windows10, or was it 11? operating system, ran into windows co-pilot program, and never could make it into Harvey's sale. LOL I would still be there trying, and crying except I had the common sense to jump on my phone and buy a few cuttings that way.
My first computer was a 20mhz sx....before they even had math coprocessors.
Well I had a commodor 64 before that but we're talking real computers here.
Graphics card had a whopping 512k mem on it.
Even before we has 56k baud...I had a 14.4 lol
Took about 3 hrs to dl 1 mb.
I used the 5 1/4 floppies until the 3.5 came out.
But never used an 8" floppy.
Back then you did not have plug n comports and IRQ's had to be set manually   for all your peripherals.
Ah I miss those days...sort of.
Anyway, I'm hoping to pull through this storm, If I don't make it...tell my fans that I love them .... LOL
@"ktrain"#2 I never had a commodor. My aunt and uncle did when I was a kid. @"Figless"#18 Believe it or not. I am only in my late 40's. But I can set points on a car, bike, or whatever. Mechanic friends bring over there lawn equipment. Since I am the only one they know that can rebuild a carb.  Or tune one. I am one of those guys that say. "If I can't work on it I don't want it." My wife has the newest vehicle. A 94 chevy 1500 southern comfort edition. Very good shape minus the dash. The 90's chevy dash's could not handle the sun. But to answer your windows 98 question. I do still have a disk. I also have the second edition disk. I did enjoy that system. And NT as well. :)
@"Figless"#18     @"GoodFriendMike"#9 

Windows XP was by far their best OS.
Millennium was by far their worst.
I ran XP until the service packs were not offered any longer, then I ran it a while longer. lol
@"ktrain"#2  Finally something we do not agree on. LOL. For me 95 and 98 was my favorites. XP had so many bugs and was hard to work with. But it did show us a glimpse of what was in store for us. Hmm? Maybe we need an older guys forum? Where we talk about our past? Just kidding. But we need to add figs in there some how right? Maybe I could say. "while I was eating a nice sweet Pingo de mel and rebuilding a Carter thermoquad and drinking a nice adult beverage. I realized I forgot to water the tree's."
Shhhh with the "zip disks" and "floppys". You're going to scare off all the potential younger members who still think us mods are hip....

Did I say "hip"? :huh:
TorontoJoe said:
Shhhh with the "zip disks" and "floppys". You're going to scare off all the potential younger members who still think us mods are hip....

Did I say "hip"? :huh:

Lol...We might throw out a hip... :D