As I get more experience and maybe a little smarter there are things that I have done that have worked great such as making labels from aluminum cans. cut the cans into strips, take a pen and press down on them and write the name on the. I use paper hole punch to attach them to the tree. I used to use a mental wire but that will rust and come off, Copper wire works great. As my number of tree grows, I am finding that it would be nice to have the late varieties fig trees that are in containers easily identified. You guess it I have to go one by one and find them. Each year despite the commitment to not add any more trees my numbers keep growing. In the future all trees that are late varieties will have a ribbon or a touch of white paint on the rim of the pots so I can easily identify and give all of them a early start. This would of been so nice when I caried them to the basement and put them in the area where the grow lights are.