Hello Teresa, thank you for the welcome. I have been real busy lately and have not kept up with my fig friends online like I wanted too. So pleased the LSU Tiger has grown and produced well for you already. My in ground LSU Tiger is also a beast. It has several 10" to 15" inch gray trunks now. Dolan's Gold made me one ripe fig. Not exciting, but I am hopeful for 2025. I have helped start this past year a couple orchards in NC - greatly reducing my collection. Here is what I have at this time: LSU's in ground: Tiger, Gold, Purple, Scott's Yellow, Scott's Black, and Red (small). These more rare and small LSU's are potted: T6, DC6, and 156. I also have RdB, Vista, Black Violette, my delicious Purple Unk, and Golden Riverside in the ground. I also have Martinenca Rimada, Raspberry Latte, Paradiso Green/Gene, Honey Plum, Hardy Chicago, Jolly Tiger, LSU Red (2), Ocracoke Sugar, MBvs, Madeleine di Deux Sasson's and a few other small potted "hold outs.' If you have some interesting cuttings shoot me an Alert. Your NC friend, Bill.