Question about roots!!


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This year was the first year i decided to try some figpops with extra cuttings that i got, one day the roots can look beautiful and white, the next day they can look brown, or even flatten out and die this can happen overnight.

I do notice some moisture buils up on the side of the fig pops, but some cuttings seem to do great roota wise and then in a day or 3 then can die even tho when i feel the medium its moist but definitely not wet see photos.


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I think some browning is normal as they age but they certainly shouldn’t be dying. I have experienced this myself. I started using very diluted fert when initially wetting the mix and that seems to help a lot…. Getting the new roots some nutrients. That said, some were not meant to be and run out of steam. How was the quality of the cuttings when you popped them?
I experienced this too when I tried fig pops. I suspected they weren’t getting enough oxygen, but who knows if I was right. Being able to see the roots just made me fuss over them, and I probably cause more harm by handling and checking on them too frequently. For me, direct rooting in a bagged treepot solved that problem and given me better success.
I experienced this too when I tried fig pops. I suspected they weren’t getting enough oxygen, but who knows if I was right. Being able to see the roots just made me fuss over them, and I probably cause more harm by handling and checking on them too frequently. For me, direct rooting in a bagged treepot solved that problem and given me better success.
True thaths why i have 80 figs in pots with the figpop in pot methode.
I think some browning is normal as they age but they certainly shouldn’t be dying. I have experienced this myself. I started using very diluted fert when initially wetting the mix and that seems to help a lot…. Getting the new roots some nutrients. That said, some were not meant to be and run out of steam. How was the quality of the cuttings when you popped them?
Quality was really good and freshly cut, also there is no fertiliser inside the medium, i did add it to the once i started today, and the once ill get from Vinny😅

Also it seems to be variety depended some seem to make small roots, and others very thick once even at the start. All my cuttings from penandpike did crazy good with very thick white roots. They were kirilovo, MG and Vagabond.
In the past when the roots started showing, I poked some holes with a syringe, also using it to squirt some diluted fert in there
But I seen some roots darkening the longer I left them.
Aging roots do, but shouldn't be dying.
Issues like that is what made me go to direct pitting in tree pots.
Hope they keep growing well for ya.
In the past when the roots started showing, I poked some holes with a syringe, also using it to squirt some diluted fert in there
But I seen some roots darkening the longer I left them.
Aging roots do, but shouldn't be dying.
Issues like that is what made me go to direct pitting in tree pots.
Hope they keep growing well for ya.
Thanks yeah the once i started directly in pot with the adjustments i made are doing great. But not sure what to do with the figpops now, i feel like if i leave them in there they will die, ill go and try poke some holes i do believe that air always helps🙈🙈
Are pictures 7 and 8 (variety 60) the same fig pop? The only time I’ve had roots explode with growth, then crash and burn is when I gunked gel rooting hormone and the cutting started to rot.

As far as small vs large white roots, I’m currently experiencing that with RDB. Same happened a few years ago, also with RDB. Roots are growing small and fine and less vigorous compared to other varieties.
Are pictures 7 and 8 (variety 60) the same fig pop? The only time I’ve had roots explode with growth, then crash and burn is when I gunked gel rooting hormone and the cutting started to rot.

As far as small vs large white roots, I’m currently experiencing that with RDB. Same happened a few years ago, also with RDB. Roots are growing small and fine and less vigorous compared to other varieties.
They are indeed the same figpop diffrence between the photos taken was one day, overnight they turned from white to brown.
I agree with the handling issues, the rooting hormone issues, and another may be a heat mat. With fig pops, some lay them down and don’t stand them upright. If they are laying down on a heat mat, that could be killing roots.
Yeah for me they are upright, can it be a air problem or the roots touching the side of the bag were moisture builds up in the form of condensation?
Yeah for me they are upright, can it be a air problem or the roots touching the side of the bag were moisture builds up in the form of condensation?
Just to confirm, the plants themselves die completely, or just the roots are turning brown? Because it is normal for the roots to turn brown, you don’t want them to stay white. As they become tougher and less tender they will turn brown.

Some people who do fig pops don’t ever put air holes in them, and the condensation on the sides is very normal. But you can also poke air holes in with a toothpick.
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Just to confirm, the plants themselves die completely, or just the roots are turning brown? Because it is normal for the roots to turn brown, you don’t want them to stay white. As they become tougher and less tender they will turn brown.

Some people who do fig pops don’t ever put air holes in them, and the condensation on the sides is very normal. But you can also poke air holes in with a toothpick.
Thanks, some plants die completely others stopped growing no green growth or new roots in over 10 days.
Thanks, some plants die completely others stopped growing no green growth or new roots in over 10 days.
I usually see that with rooting hormone use or with keeping them in darkness. I’ll have to think more on it. But fig pops just are more problematic in my experience. Some people really love them, so I figure they have a special touch with them that I don’t have. 🙂
I usually see that with rooting hormone use or with keeping them in darkness. I’ll have to think more on it. But fig pops just are more problematic in my experience. Some people really love them, so I figure they have a special touch with them that I don’t have. 🙂
Aha yeah im using rooting hormone, and keeping them in the dark untill i see roots then i pack them in aluminium foil and put them in my set up with lights. I pack them in foil to keep the light off the roots directly.

Yeah so far i really dont like figpops and i love the hybride methode of direct potting with a bag around them still learning that methode to now the beginning is going perfect im just unsure when to take the bag off since notorious figs says they can stay on for 8 weeks, and so far I see beautiful roots everywhere in the pots but they dont seem to lose any weight or really show top growth.
We have seen this problem of root death related to fungus gnats, maybe even scale insects. The cuttings root, start to grow then they slowly die from the roots up. Not in fig pops but in general.
Aha yeah im using rooting hormone, and keeping them in the dark untill i see roots then i pack them in aluminium foil and put them in my set up with lights. I pack them in foil to keep the light off the roots directly.

Yeah so far i really dont like figpops and i love the hybride methode of direct potting with a bag around them still learning that methode to now the beginning is going perfect im just unsure when to take the bag off since notorious figs says they can stay on for 8 weeks, and so far I see beautiful roots everywhere in the pots but they dont seem to lose any weight or really show top growth.
Exposure to light helps with top growth. I don’t mean grow lights, but just ambient light until they start to leaf out. I haven’t watched Notorious Fig’s videos on it, but I was under the impression from what others have said that he may recommend darkness at first. But that can prevent top growth from starting, which is not what we want.

I keep mine bagged until they start growing well and then I remove it. I have some now that I’ve been seriously neglecting. Ambient temperatures are rarely over 70°F, and I haven’t watered them for two months. They just now are starting to grow, but they are fine. As long as the mix inside is moist, that is what counts. We just don’t want it to dry out.
We have seen this problem of root death related to fungus gnats, maybe even scale insects. The cuttings root, start to grow then they slowly die from the roots up. Not in fig pops but in general.
I see this happening all the time. In fig pops, but also even more using the transparent cup, and lid method. I use 24 oz cups with lids and straw holes. I see this happening with roots quite often. I usually treat for fungal flies when I first opened a new bag of soil medium, compost, even mineral soil or peat moss based medium. They all get treated with gnatrol before the cuttings go into the cup. I then treat maybe one more time with one or two teaspoons per gallon in a vertigated fluid this is right at the start usually using a synthetic fertilizer at maybe a very weak strength. Commonly one half it's weakest suggested use. All cup and lid have three drainage slits cut into the bottom. Very arable with a half inch of number 3 perlite on the very bottom to provide lots of air. Still visually exactly what you're describing goes on. Vigorous white roots then turn brown overnight.