Pulled the Trigger on an In-ground Tree

This has been my biggest issue with in ground. I put one in after trialling for some time... then another proves itself and I need to find a new spot.  :D 

I think Vince #3 has dibs on the next in ground spot but Bissirri 3 is also a good candidate I think
@Figology @"TorontoJoe"#1 
Vince #3 is the thing that dreams are made of. Figology, it's hard to advise you LOL you're just over my head. I Just arrived in Las Vegas. In route to Los Angeles to take care of 1,000 family chores. I'm hoping to be able to keep writing posts to y'all, we'll have to wait and see. When I'm in LA there's nobody I live with. No gardening partner, and no Charming grandson, Just on my own.. I hope you will wish me well, as I wish you all well, with all my heart.

I did that today at my experimental orchard. I had hammered a cutting into the ground near a sprinkler head a few years ago. The tree grew but has been dwarfed for about 2 years at a max height of 3 feet. I tore it out by hand and discovered there weren't very many roots. I plan to put a dragon fruit plant and stand in it's place.

@"TorontoJoe"#1 it’s an area, a percentage of 1/4 acre that I’m allowed to grow on. So far I have 12 in ground trees and 20 potted trees.

You’ll notice gravel in the pics. Most of my larger fruit pics are from there.
@JMF75 - another one of my Mt.Etna types, Byadi, AJH, RDB or Preto (that is if @9ah-figlet allows me to keep one cutting). Whatever roots the best this winter out of the varieties I already have.