Pruned and Reshaped Figo Preto

That’s a great job. I’m wondering is this the only one needing pruning or is there more to do?

thanks so much for posting the pictures. I did notching a few years ago but now couldn’t remember if the notch was above or below the bud.👌
This is my only tree that will be pruned drastically. I’ll make a decision whether to prune my other potted trees when I take them out of the garage in a few weeks and I’ll prune my inground trees sometime late March or early April, once I determine how much damage they took over the Winter.
Thanks so much @Figgin' A! A picture is always worth a thousand words.

After watching the Rusty Fig video, I had some questions I hoped you could answer.

The Rusty Fig has an obvious dormant bud projecting from the node. Can you only notch where there is a bud projecting or can you try to stimulate any dormant node? In your 1st photo, the notch doesn't look as fresh as the green emerging shoot. What did the node look like when you notched? Was it just a node or was there a brown bud projecting?

Second, can you introduce more than 1 new branch via notching per season? In Rusty Fig's explanation, the flow of the hormones and nutrients would seem to stop at the lowest notch and perhaps not stimulate notched nodes further up the trunk. What has your experience been? Can I notch the same trunk more than once a season?

I typically notch the ones where there is no protruding (primary) bud. Those that protrude are usually at the top and they wake u on their own. If you look at my last photo, you will see a dormant bud at the bottom, below the scaffold that grew from the notched bud... that's how it looked before notching. There was no protruding bud.

I notched multiple buds on different scaffolds; it's usually not a problem. I've also notched my first-year trees with single trunks at multiple buds, and all sprouted. I've seen examples of that from other growers as well.
I typically notch the ones where there is no protruding (primary) bud. Those that protrude are usually at the top and they wake u on their own. If you look at my last photo, you will see a dormant bud at the bottom, below the scaffold that grew from the notched bud... that's how it looked before notching. There was no protruding bud.

I notched multiple buds on different scaffolds; it's usually not a problem. I've also notched my first-year trees with single trunks at multiple buds, and all sprouted. I've seen examples of that from other growers as well.

What is your timing for notching @Figgin' A ? I'm wondering about doing this on my in-ground tree, which won't be unwrapped for at least a few more weeks!
What is your timing for notching @Figgin' A ? I'm wondering about doing this on my in-ground tree, which won't be unwrapped for at least a few more weeks!
I notch when they begin to wake up. I've also notched during active growth; I do it with my 1st year trees after I pinch apical buds and want to ensure that they grow scaffolds exactly where I want them to.