Prosciutto Unk & Sister Madeline Green Greek


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Today I compared the 1st figs from Prosciutto Unk (bottom) and Sister Madeline’s Green Greek (top). Both are from 2-yr old trees in 8-gallon pots. 

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Prosciutto Unk
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I’d heard that Adriatics taste the same, but because I love them so much, I didn’t care if I had multiples. Both have a nice seed crunch and were sweet. 

For these two figs, Prosciutto Unk was the clear winner with a brighter berry flavor that made SMGG seem muted.

Anyone else compare these two figs?
@"9ah-figlet"#12 . Good Sunday morning to you. LOL I decided to play hooky from church today. This old man just couldn't sleep all night. [font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Prosciutto Unk, and Sister Madeline’s Green Greek. I can't help you compare the two Adriatic figs. I have only heard of Prosciutto Unk, and currently I am not growing it. Nevertheless these two figs look absolutely stunning. They are also of a very good size. Please accept my congratulations on growing to such beautiful figs..[/font]
I have a number of Adriatics as well because I love them so much. I think some are better than others but U. Prosciutto is definitely one of my favourites. It's so nice and dense. Yum!
@TorontoJoe please don't shoot the messenger, but my reply and your reply to the adriatic's thread by @9ah-figlet did not appear to get counted by the system. Even though both replies were posted.
Nina, I am like you in the Adriatic department. Love them and so does my wife. I have SMGG x3, UP. AJH x2, White Madeira x2. Haven’t tasted the AJH yet. It was really late last year. White Madeiras are really good.
bushdoctor82 said:
You’ve had a great few weeks with everything ripening.

Do you also have AJH? If not, I can give you cuttings along with Preto.

Aww, thanks @"bushdoctor82"#14 . Yes, I picked up AJH from 2 sources this year, and both cuttings have figlets they’re trying to ripen. I don’t have the heart to pick them off. 

Still trying to think of something to tempt you with in return for the Preto. I have Vince 3 Unk…. 😁
One Eyed Bob said:
Nina, I am like you in the Adriatic department. Love them and so does my wife. I have SMGG x3, UP. AJH x2, White Madeira x2. Haven’t tasted the AJH yet. It was really late last year. White Madeiras are really good.

Thanks @"One Eyed Bob"#68 . You definitely sound like me. I have 2 of each of these Adriatic trees: WM#1, Prosciutto Unk, Vince Unk, and AJH. I only have 1 SMGG. It sounds like you really like it if you have 3 of them. How did yours compare to the other Adriatics?
I can't get enough adriatics either. I love Proscuitto UNk, and I've noticed it does well even in much colder weather. I ripened several last year even after the first frosts in mid November. White Madeira #1 is still my favorite, but several are close behind. Eventhough they are all similar, several definitely taste different to me. My SMGG is 3 years in with no figs yet🤣.... but I'm sure I will like it when it decides to do something
To me, it is hard or close to impossible to tell apart of the "Adriatic" figs. I grow like 15 of Adriatic varieties. Each year, a different one can surprise me.

Green Ischia has done great in my yard. Consistently early and does not split.

Mariani Carini Green and Lake Spur are also early and more hardy. Same flavor profile.

Same with WM #1. Robust plant and large fig.

Battaglia Green fig is very large. Excellent quality fig. Need superb growing condition for prefect fig.

SMGG and Vasilika Sika are probably the same Greek variety. Very good to excellent. Mercedes Gem probably belongs to the same group.

I also get the unknown Adriatic AE (NC) from my friend AE in North Carolina. First figs and best tasting so far. Still need more time to evaluate.

Unfortunately Prosciutto again would not fruit well. Even AD has the same difficulty when I visited him. My tree is from him.

Folks say Adriatic figs are late. Not in my yard. I get those figs from beginning of September. Just about one week later than most Mt. Etna figs. Totally different flavor profile.
Red_Sun said:
To me, it is hard or close to impossible to tell apart of the "Adriatic" figs.  I grow like 15 of Adriatic varieties.  Each year, a different one can surprise me. 

Green Ischia has done great in my yard.  Consistently early and does not split.

Mariani Carini Green and Lake Spur are also early and more hardy.  Same flavor profile.

Same with WM #1.  Robust plant and large fig.

Battaglia Green fig is very large.  Excellent quality fig.  Need superb growing condition for prefect fig.

SMGG and Vasilika Sika are probably the same Greek variety.  Very good to excellent.  Mercedes Gem probably belongs to the same group.

I also get the unknown Adriatic AE (NC) from my friend AE in North Carolina.  First figs and best tasting so far.  Still need more time to evaluate.

Unfortunately Prosciutto again would not fruit well.  Even AD has the same difficulty when I visited him.  My tree is from him. 

Folks say Adriatic figs are late.  Not in my yard.  I get those figs from beginning of September.  Just about one week later than most Mt. Etna figs.  Totally different flavor profile.

Hey my friend glad to see you here.
Hi @"Red_Sun"#104 , good to see you here!

Can you please expand on your comments about Prosciutto not fruiting well in our area? Is it ripening time, splitting, overall productivity? In ground vs potted?

Based on @"ChesapeakeFigs"#78 comment about SMGG not producing for him yet, I took photos to compare.


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Prosciutto Unk

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Both are producing well for me.
My Prosciutto plant has good size. Bigger than most my other trees. Same growing conditions. But it fruits late and not many. I've not had presentable figs over the past two years.

Do not know why.
@9ah-figlet In my case, I wouldn't make a judgement on the overall productivity of SMGG based on mine. I have some pretty specific conditions, as my property has about 70% tree cover. I only have a certain amount of spots with a good amount of sun, so some figs take an extra year or so to produce for me
9ah-figlet said:
One Eyed Bob said:
Nina, I am like you in the Adriatic department. Love them and so does my wife. I have SMGG x3, UP. AJH x2, White Madeira x2. Haven’t tasted the AJH yet. It was really late last year. White Madeiras are really good.
I propagated three sticks and they all grew. SMGG was one of my first varieties. Last year set a lot of fruit but not as many this year. Same with AJH but fruit hasn’t ripened. White Madeira on the other hand is precocious for me. Both of my trees are on second leaf and are putting out several figs each. First figs 9-15 and more to come. They are a more complex taste.
Thanks @"One Eyed Bob"#68 . You definitely sound like me. I have 2 of each of these Adriatic trees: WM#1, Prosciutto Unk, Vince Unk, and AJH. I only have 1 SMGG. It sounds like you really like it if you have 3 of them. How did yours compare to the other Adriatics?
Interesting discussion… Well, as far as differentiating them. There are certainly some size differences. With prosciutto producing a fig, which is much smaller and denser than say Stella, which for me has always been a larger fruit and less intense flavour