Private Fig Security for hire

@"Figology"#21 that isn't what I think it is? What is the name of your insect security Force. I'm not sure I want to hire them since there big jumpers.
@"ktrain"#2 Jesus Kevin I don't like the looks of that spider either. You all got some scary insects in your gardens @"Figology"#21 I am losing a little sleep over your hundred times the length of their bodies little jumpers... Please tell me those Devils aren't what I think they are?

I welcome these beauties.
They make one big web and that's it.
The ones I hate are the dumbies that have to stretch webs across ever open area there is so you have to walk through them...and it's always face level. 😂
I hate to be smug, but if you have to ask you probably can't afford Jeff. haha

The Arachnophobia movie was a real thriller growing up.
[font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The Arachnophobia movie was a real thriller growing up. I've only seen one so far.  [/font]

[font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Since I've moved to my new house, it's been about 10 years, I haven't seen many Black Widow spiders. They seem to have been replaced with Brown Widow spiders which are less venomous but have nests that they can make just about everywhere.  [/font]
@"Figology"#21 @"ktrain"#2  . On the subject of (social spiders), and Things That Go Bump in figless's night. I suppose the infamous spider mite is also likely a social spider. Colonies of mites can live in the most inhospitable regions of the Earth such as the South Pole. We're almost nothing else thrives 

Let us join Caitlin Henderson in Western Queensland, looking for the social brown Huntsman spiders. The very same spider that starred in figology's favorite spider movie.

@"Figgerlickinggood"#7 Teresa that crab is one bad dude. Looks like he weighs at least 20 lb. Do they only eat coconuts, do you have those things in Virginia?
No they’re only in tropical islands  around the Indian Ocean that have coconut trees.  YouTube has some documentary videos about them.
@"Figgerlickinggood"#7 . Well the first thing I want to do when I see a giant crab like that is to protect myself from a bite. Then the second thing I want to do is eat one. Apparently they're delicious with the coconut flavor. In fact they're so delicious that they're getting rare on Islands inhabited by people. So they may not make the best security guards Teresa, because your guards will keep disappearing.