Potted fig tree question


New member
Can anyone tell me the frequency for treating POTTED fig trees with copper sulfate during the dormant season? 

Normally my potted trees get fig rust near the end of the season, but this year two of my potted fig trees had a pretty severe case of ANTHRACNOSE.

I am planning to treat them with COPPER SULFATE, but I have not been able to find any information about the FREQUENCY THAT WORKS BEST FOR POTTED TREES.
I don't treat the trees while they're dormant.
There are no leaves to rust...however, they can treat for mites or any over wintering critters.
If your trees are taken inside during the winter months you can get away with treatment biweekly..however, you don't really want it in your soil so maybe cover that when you spray.

You don't prune your trees once dormant?

I would also remove any of the fallen leaves carefully and dispose of them.
@"Figfriend"#45 I thought @"Wisner"#90 suggestion was for (potted figs) that would be protected indoors in the winter dormancy. A second 2X spring application if necessary just before, and at Bud break. Weekly copper sulfate applications seem excessive. Wettable sulfur can be applied much more often. I recommend a yucca extract, nectar of the Gods makes a good product, or some other ingredient as a wetting agent, and to suspend the sulfur when applying it by spray. Once again you're not likely to find fig trees listed in the directions. In the absence of variety specific Instructions for fig trees I would go with a mid strength application intended for other fruit trees.
((I am inviting feedback))