Fig Gazer

Well-known member
SO a picture worth a 1000 words ? not that i do not spew more than 1000 words around here ,can see where a photo every now and then would be usefull ,have a lap top ,and a flip phone that does not take photos ,a 35mm film camera .would consider buying a digital camera ,not going to get i phone type phone .how do you get photo from digital camera to show on a particular post on this forum ? what would be good digital camera to take fig pictures with ?THANKS FOR YOUR HELP !
So on a digital carmera, the camera saves the pictures to an SD card inside the camera. 1) You can use a USB type cable to transfer the pictures from your camera to your computer. Or 2) some computers have SD card readers and you just remove the SD card from your camera and put it into the SD card slot on your computer.

You then can attach the picture from your computer to your post by clicking the “Attach files” button by following the steps there.

I don’t have a camera recommendation, but if it’s just for fig pictures, probably whatever point and shoot that is cheapest and on sale will do. 🙂
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I have a DSLR and a small digital pocket camera, but most often than not, I take pics with my Iphone. Select pics and send them to my Dropbox share which I then access from my desktop and attach to my posts. When I post from my phone, I just pick a photo from the photo library and attach it. Very easy that way.

If you don't want to go the iPhone route, some digital cameras have Wifi so you can upload pics to your laptop wirelessly, otherwise use a card reader to load the pics onto your laptop.
I know Phil is by choice, old school... And I respect it so much. I thought I was on the edge by not being on social media but @Fig Gazer takes organic to a new level. He calls people... on the phone! :) I totally love it! And I am humbled by how much he does via his natural relationships. Thank you!

Phil... I would very much welcome your pictures and am willing to work with you to make it happen.... It's probably most straightforward from a smartphone.... but frankly, I think they're too smart. If you go with a digital camera... it's a matter of getting the pictures from the camera to the computer you wish to use to access fig fanatic.

As a general rule.... proper, purpose built cameras will take better pictures than phones.... Especially in lower light.

Let me know when you're ready and we can connect and I will help you in any way I can.
Phil Do you have Wifi at home?
Consider getting a smart phone or tablet to use as a camera, don't even get a service plan for it. It would be a bigger screen to operate then most cameras have. No cards to handle. Transfers would be via Wi-Fi
I used a digital camera yesterday for the first time in probably a decade.
But they still have their place, I agree with wifi if you have it, some digital cameras can connect to your wifi for transfer to PC.

Unless you rarely use a PC, than a smart phone or tablet would be the could post the pic right from it.
The only reason i got a computer was when i met ERIC D. "FIGTATOR" he showed me the fig stuff on OF and i wanted to get my fig humor out there and read other folks fig ideas ,some one gave me a "very old" lap top and ERIC and TorontoJoe got me set up,THANKS AGAIN .i wired it up directly to the tv cable , that worked for some years until the lap top would no longer work with the newer microsoft stuff, GOT THIS new one and a box that sends signal to it ,turn box off when not using fig forums so not geting iradeated as much lol . Any way if not for the love of figs would still be happy with 1960s tecknology . From what you kind folks have told me will get digital camera and plug into this lap top to post photos here or take card out of camera and stick in this lap top to do the same . thanks for the info .and will call TJ when i screw it up . lol .
The only reason i got a computer was when i met ERIC D. "FIGTATOR" he showed me the fig stuff on OF and i wanted to get my fig humor out there and read other folks fig ideas ,some one gave me a "very old" lap top and ERIC and TorontoJoe got me set up,THANKS AGAIN .i wired it up directly to the tv cable , that worked for some years until the lap top would no longer work with the newer microsoft stuff, GOT THIS new one and a box that sends signal to it ,turn box off when not using fig forums so not geting iradeated as much lol . Any way if not for the love of figs would still be happy with 1960s tecknology . From what you kind folks have told me will get digital camera and plug into this lap top to post photos here or take card out of camera and stick in this lap top to do the same . thanks for the info .and will call TJ when i screw it up . lol .

Always happy to help 🙂