Persistent caprifig varieties for breeding

Reinhard Jank

New member

I am working on a breeding program for figs in Switzerland and I am looking for persistent caprifig varieties for crossing. Does anybody know a nursery in Europe offering them? Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards
Reinhard Jank
Hello @Reinhard Jank , I grow a Saleeb
(a persistent Caprifig for breeding), but I have no idea how I could ship that to you.
two of our most knowledgeable members jump to mind.
@GoodFriendMike , our caprifig/ specialist, and moderator, also @NaturesFinest an expert fig collector from the Netherlands might be able to help you.
Hello Figless, thank you for the suggestions. I already found a source for Saleeb. I will get in touch with these knowledgeable members.