Pastiliere 2024

@"Figology"#21. I agree with Joe LOL my mouth is watering too. I want to propagate a Pastillere this winter. That shouldn't be too much to ask, Santa Claus. Oops I want Santa Claus too. Plus would it be all right if I had TN Starlight?
Just to be clear, this is Unk Pastiliere?

I'm sure both versions look amazing there on the west coast.
@"ktrain"#2 Unk PastIlLiere? I thought it was Pastilliere LOL I have too many of those. That was the Pastilliere the backyard squirrel was feasting on. It also had a DSJG, or 2. Normally they could have been chalked up to losses, but the poor devil ate the first few figs on a late first year season. Mark in Santa Barbara gave me the Unk Pastilliere... I never did get the Pastilliere.

I only have the rain tree version.
Which I really like.
It looks great here so I can only imagine it would look even better over there given caprification.
@"ktrain"#2 Figsme from our old house, let ne taste it several times at the South Tahoe park in Sacramento. It's delicious caprified.