Saye - WHAAH!S FWY 1 - If I'm not mistaken is Strawberry Freeway #1 (there is a number 2). Wild find by @Figology
I think I recall @Fig Gazer and @Kid Fig may have some experience with them. I'm not sure if either require wasp
Saye - WHAAH!
Figology was holding out apparently (lol).
First time hearing about them as well.
This may be synonymous with LSU Hollie?Unknown Spain / Spanish Unknown
This is the variety circulated from Pete Lee , I did some research and tracking on this one and the two names are synonymous , seems the growers had mashed up the name a bit.
Did I read somewhere that this one bears a striking resemblance to LSU hollieUnknown Spain / Spanish Unknown
This is the variety circulated from Pete Lee , I did some research and tracking on this one and the two names are synonymous , seems the growers had mashed up the name a bit.
This may be synonymous with LSU Hollie?
Did I read somewhere that this one bears a striking resemblance to LSU hollie
I've have read that statement made, although I don't remember seeing any support to that statement and I can't remember where I saw that statement was made.This may be synonymous with LSU Hollie?
Did I read somewhere that this one bears a striking resemblance to LSU hollie
I will look up the other’s late this afternoon when I get home.
I've have read that statement made, although I don't remember seeing any support to that statement and I can't remember where I saw that statement was made.
Steve the maker of the video here also has LSU Hollier growing inground. Steve gave me a tour of his orchard last Fall(2023) and received cuttings of both Unknown Spain and LSU Hollier as distinctly different varieties. The cuttings I got have grown very well and I hope to evolute them myself this coming season.