My Mother's Fig Jam


The first time I wanted to make fig jam I went to my mother who immediately rhymed off the simple recipe from memory.... For her it was (without thinking of it in this way) just a matter of the cultural alchemy of how you preserve food. I thought it was pretty cool and it's delicious.... Simplicity, as something utilitarian.... only to preserve food rather than to be a treat.

1kg figs (any type because they don't have names for them)
250ml Sugar
60ml Fresh Lemon Juice

That's all!

Stems removed and then go in the pot with med/low heat. It all breaks down in the cooking process. Some may want to go a bit heavier on the sugar but that depends on the figs and ripeness. If you did this with a batch of ripe Smith, I'd suggest tasting as you go.

That's it! It's delicious. I didn't add any pectin or anything like that so it did take about 45 min to firm up. The lemon makes it acidic enough to can well. It turned out absolutely delicious!

Grazie Mamma!

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I need to try this next year...we are just little piggies when it comes to figs and never save any for jam. lol

Thanks for sharing!
Simple and Tasty. That is pretty much the recipe I use. I add a little cinnamon and some toasted walnuts. I also use this recipe for a batch of half ripe Fig Jam at the end of the season. Just before the 1st freeze I pick all the half ripe (soft but not fully ripe yet) figs and make a final batch of jam. Usually a little more sugar is needed. Refrigerator or freezer jam taste best I think. The pic is last years jam.

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@"RedRockFig"#125    That's a LOT of goodness.
I really need to stop eating them all fresh and save some for this thing y'all call Jam!
@"TorontoJoe"#1  can the figs be picked as they ripen then freeze them until I have enough to make jam or do they have to be cook only as fresh figs?
Figgerlickinggood said:
@"TorontoJoe"#1  can the figs be picked as they ripen then freeze them until I have enough to make jam or do they have to be cook only as fresh figs?

Teresa. That’s exactly what I’m doing this year. We pick them and eat as many as we can fresh and any that we can’t, we just cut the stems and put in the freezer. When the season is done we’ll make a batch of jam with a mix of everything