My first fig jam recipe

I emptied this jar of Seedless Strawberry Jam into a pot with a pint of figs with stem removed, and then added around a half cup sugar and Cinnamon to taste then a few tablespoons of Lemon juice. Then stirred continuously as I cooked it down to thicken it. You will feel and see when it starts to thicken. I poured it all into a bowl to cool, then spooned it into the jam jar and back in the fridge it went.
This may seem like cheating, but I needed a quick sauce for the dressing and ham on Thanksgiving Day and this worked out great. The Smuckers seedless Strawberry Jam has a deeper not so tart strawberry flavor, and the blend of figs with lemon juice and cinnamon really brought it to life in a great way. And the jam being seedless kept things from getting too seedy after adding the figs. And the figs were the few that split or were picked Early and had less flavor so the jam gave it allot more flavor. It got even better after sitting in the fridge for a few weeks, the flavors really blended well. In fact so well I want to make muffins with it. The jar was full, but was so good we ate allot of it.


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