Moving day tomorrow


Well-known member
We have our walk through today at 4pm.  My buyers are doing theirs tomorrow.  Tomorrow the movers arrive 8am.  9am we close on this house. 10 am we close on the new house.  Our new shed was being delivered at the new house tomorrow morning but will have to be delayed because 2 big thunderstorms rolled in late afternoon yesterday and our new neighbors called today to say everyone’s yards are very muddy from the pouring rain so we will have to reschedule that.  Ah problems problems, what’s life without them.  Anyway we are completely packed up now. BTW @"TorontoJoe"#1  I am going to leave a nice note for my buyer telling him about your new forum if he needs help with the trees we left for him.
@"Figgerlickinggood"#7 . Teresa Wow you, and the hubby move fast. Tell us about your new shed? Please be careful moving into the new place. Cannot wait to hear all the details of your new home. BTW my garden growing partner Sean has not yet joined If you're going to try to win the fancy REDACTED variety contest please PM me and you can sign him up. :)
I have to say, I really dislike moving.... I hope you move goes better than any I've had. Please keep us posted on your new garden and orchard :)
I hope everything goes smoothly for you guys Teresa! 

I sure hope the new owners appreciate the great varieties you left them, lucky dogs!

Maybe we will see them here soon :)  :cool:
I recently moved with my whole family to our new house. I didn't even expect that all this could be so hard.

I packed everything in boxes with my husband for about a whole week I think. Thanks to the guys from who made the moving process easier and carried all the hard things.
Welcome to the forum. Moving is really an ordeal. This move we just did was hard. Not only getting packed and unpacked but actually building a barbershop from the attached carport, getting a business license and permit all at the same time. Dealing with workers making sure their work was being done right. It’s pretty much done now. Business is now opened almost a month now. Still have some unpacked boxes but I can deal with them later. One thing is true every time you move something always goes missing.