Master list of all San Pedro figs


Active member
I just wanna get everyone's opinions on what San Pedro's you've grown/tasted

I have:

Desert King
Sao Joao Preto (Is this the same as Lampeira Preta?)
Grantham's Royal
Hirschstetten (might be the same as Grantham's)
Fico Cerreto
Domenico Tauro

Is Norman's Yellow a San Pedro? I've heard that Fiorone di Ruvo is also a SP.
Filacciano Bianco is another one.

Please add to the list!
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Are you actually in Toronto? If so, San Pedros are the way to go =)

I am indeed in Toronto. Just a throw from Lake Ontario. I really haven't grown many breba that I've liked. A matter of taste I suppose. All my workhorse figs are early enough that I get plenty of mains..... even from my in-ground trees :)