Looking for Thrakis Mavra cuttings

Looking for Thrakis Mavra cuttings. I have nice air layers of Irene's Blk Greek, Mattepinta, Paratjal Rimada, and Casa di Lazzaro to trade.
Hi Leon,
I remember you looking for this one a little while ago.
I noticed it on a couple different cuttings lists recently.
Brad Hamilton, Zenith Farms, Ohio
Aaron D. New Jersey Fig Farm, NJ
This one is very interesting to me. Has MattePinta fruited for you? I bought it and then read that it dropped consitently but no update. I think i saw a fruit on there but not sure I'll look again later

Thrakis I hope you find and let me know too pls. I see cuttings are available at rarefigcuttings.com where the photo shows a large dark fig. The only figbid sale shows a green fig that looks like a Dalmatie Stella or similar.

Anyone done business with rarefigcuttings.com? A member on the forums?

I guess Mavra means dark fig? I remember reading all this. I do have Vasilika Aspra which I'm fairly sure is a Smyrna

I'd really like to know if its confirmed common
Mattepinta has not fruited for me yet. It is a vigorous grower and I'm hoping to get some fruit this season. Brian from ProFig grows this one and says that it is common. So we'll see.
I'm not sure if rarefigcuttings.com is located in the USA.
The photos of Thrakis Mavra are interesting to say the least.
I bought Thrakis Mavra from rarefigcuttings about 8 years ago. The cuttings were excellent, but the plants have never produced fruit - and I know someone who has had the same experience. The company btw is based in Greece, so watch out if you are not in Europe.